About ACNM
Midwifery for every community.
To support midwives, advance the practice of midwifery, and achieve optimal, equitable health outcomes for the people and communities midwives serve.
Our values inform our strategic direction. The following values state what is important to our members and guide the collective perspective of our organization.
Strategic Priorities
ACNM’s Strategic Priorities for 2024-2026 focus on advancing maternal and neonatal health through innovative practices and robust advocacy.

Board of Directors

ACNM Staff

ACNM Staff
Executive Office

Michelle Munroe
Chief Executive Officer
Advocacy & Government Affairs

Amy Kohl
Director, Advocacy & Government Affairs
Amy M. Kohl is ACNM’s Director of Advocacy and Government Affairs. In this capacity, Amy is responsible for leading the development and implementation of ACNM’s federal and state policy agenda in alignment with ACNM’s strategic plan. A core focus of her work is identifying and maximizing opportunities for integration of midwives and midwifery-led care models throughout the care continuum. Prior to joining the ACNM, Amy spent over a decade with the Health Industry Distributors Association (HIDA) lobbying for policy issues impacting our nation’s medical products supply chain and distribution channels. Prior to joining HIDA, Amy worked for a state government relations consulting firm and also spent time working for a national political campaign committee.
With 20 years of experience in national health policy and state affairs, Amy also has a personal connection to ACNM’s mission, as midwives in Washington, D.C. attended the births of both of her children. A native of the Northern Neck of Virginia, Amy holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Government and Politics from George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia.
Professional Practice and Policy

Karen Jefferson, CM, DM, FACNM
Director, Professional Practice and Policy
Karen Jefferson, CM, DM, FACNM, is the Director of Professional Practice and Policy for the American College of Nurse-Midwives. She is ACNM’s resource on midwifery practice, working with government affairs and domestic development to advance the profession. She is the principal investigator on two domestic grants, acts as a liaison to stakeholder groups, and supports the volunteers in the Division of Midwifery Advancement and the Division of Research. She works with volunteers and staff to build out ACNM’s education offerings – webinars and workshops online.
She comes to ACNM as a full-scope midwifery practice owner for 17 years, and a recent stint as program coordinator for the doctorate in midwifery at the Midwifery Institute at Jefferson. This position is Karen’s opportunity to merge all her interests: midwifery workforce, education, practice, and advocacy.
Stormee Bailey, MPH
Director, Education
Stormee received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Anthropology & Sociology and Public Health and graduated in 2020 from Emory University with a Master of Public Health degree focusing on behavioral, social, and health education sciences. Stormee is passionate about maternal and child health and healthcare accessibility for low-income and minority individuals. In her previous roles, she has worked on projects focusing on decreasing maternal mortality among black women in Georgia and vaccine equity for minority populations both domestically and internationally.
Stormee is a new mom and enjoys spending time with her family and reading whenever she has the chance.
Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health (JMWH) (Off-site)

Melissa Avery, PhD, CNM, FACNM, FAAN
Directs the content, focus, strategic development and operations of JMWH, the official journal of ACNM.

Laura Bolte
Managing Editor
919.650.1459 ext 205

Ira Kantrowitz-Gordon, PhD, CNM, ARNP, FACNM
Deputy Editor
Makes acceptance and rejection decisions for manuscripts, and works with authors throughout the revision process. Solicits manuscripts, writes editorials, and reviews Share With Women patient education handouts.

Linda Hunter, CNM, FACNM, EdD
Deputy Editor
Makes acceptance and rejection decisions for manuscripts, and works with authors throughout the revision process. Solicits manuscripts, writes editorials, and reviews Share With Women patient education handouts.
History of ACNM
We are in the process of completing a review and evaluation of the history of midwifery and ACNM.
Since the identity of nurse-midwives could not be maintained in the existing situation, the nurse-midwives present at an ANA convention in the spring of 1954 agreed to establish The Committee on Organization. Sister M. Theopane Shoemaker, the director of the Catholic Maternity Center in Santa Fe, New Mexico, was chair of the committee.
The Committee on Organization, though claiming its progress was slow and tedious, had within two months identified reasons for organizing; discussed ways in which organization could be accomplished; written a definition of a nurse-midwife; identified the functions of a new organization if one was to be established; set educational standards for nurse-midwifery schools including a statement of purpose and basic admission requirements; designed and mailed a questionnaire to locate nurse-midwives and ascertain their desire to organize; written and mailed two of the eventual six Organization Bulletins of the Committee on Organization; and organized a meeting of nurse-midwives for December 1954.
Forty-six nurse-midwives attended the meeting in December, reviewed the work done to that point and the results of the questionnaire (to which 147 nurse-midwives had replied), and approved the definition of a nurse-midwife and a statement of purposes of a nurse-midwifery organization. The major issue, however, was how organization could be accomplished. Four possible options had been identified:
- Organization within the American Nurses’ Association (ANA) as a conference group
- Organization within the National League for Nursing (NLN) as a council
- Reorganization of the American Association of Nurse-Midwives (AANM) into a national organization
- Formation of an entirely new organization of nurse-midwives to be known as the American College of Nurse-Midwifery
The American Association of Nurse-Midwives had been started in 1929 as the Kentucky State Association of Midwives, incorporated by nurse-midwives working with the Frontier Nursing Service. Mary Breckinridge, the director of the Frontier Nursing Service, was president of AANM during her lifetime. Its function and its organization were such that it could not serve the purposes of this national movement of nurse-midwives. AANM, therefore, was eliminated as a possible option based on its members’ analysis and statement of preference not to be considered.
The remaining options were either to organize within one of the national nursing organizations or to create a new organization. The decision was deferred until letters requesting a conference group and a council, respectively, were submitted to, and replies were received from, ANA and NLN. The letters were approved during the meeting.
The NLN expressed interest and concern but pointed out that its bylaws for organization of a council would not meet the needs of the nurse-midwives. The reply from the ANA was not encouraging. The ANA was interested in a plan to establish an interdisciplinary committee of the ANA and the NLN, with additional representatives from the public, to study the improvement of the care of mothers and children. The nurse-midwives could be a part of this committee.
This information was published in the fourth Organization Bulletin, along with the plans for the next meeting of The Committee on Organization and a request for comments regarding what was emerging as the obvious direction for organization. At its meeting in May 1955, The Committee on Organization voted unanimously to proceed with the formation of the American College of Nurse-Midwifery. Those present based their action on the fact that all the other options had essentially been ruled out, the fact that 133 of the 147 nurse-midwives answering the questionnaire had responded positively to the idea of belonging to a new organization of nurse-midwives, the obvious conclusion that formation of a separate organization seemed to be the only way that nurse-midwives could work together and accomplish the goals that had been delineated in the statement of purposes, and the fact that only one response had been received to the request for comments regarding this direction. The Committee on Organization had done such a splendid job of keeping all the nurse-midwives informed and involved that there was nothing further to be said.
The Committee on Organization began working to incorporate and establish the organization. The result was the incorporation of the American College of Nurse-Midwifery, November 7, 1955, in the state of New Mexico. New Mexico was chosen because it was on of the few states in which nurse-midwives were practicing and incorporation there involved the least amount of red tape, time, and expense.
The seal of the ACNM reflects basic philosophical beliefs of nurse-midwifery. Rita Kroska, who designed the seal in 1955, interprets its symbols as follows:
The large shield is comprised of four symbols: a small shield of stars and stripes exemplify the United States of America; three intertwined circles exemplify the family with the lower circle containing crosshatching to illustrate the crib containing the child; a tripod with flames rising exemplifies continuance and warmth in dedication to the American family; and, lastly, the large shield contains an undulating band above the tripod but beneath the smaller shield and circles. The undulation portrays movement, persistence, steadiness, and steadfastness to the word written within. That word is VIVANT, an expletive in French which means Let Them Live! It is there to fill out the sentence of the symbols, to give emphasis short of exclamatory oath, that of unremitting dedication to safeguarding and promoting the health and well-being of family life, particularly the mother and infant.
The large shield is encircled by a ribboned band containing the inscription, “AMERICAN COLLEGE OF NURSE-MIDWIVES, NEW MEXICO, Nov. 7, 1955.” Originally, between 1955 and 1969, the word “nurse-midwives” was “nurse-midwifery,” and without the year 1929 included with the inscription. The two changes took place in 1969 when the American Association of Nurse-Midwives with headquarters at the Frontier Nursing Service in Wendover, Kentucky, and the American College of Nurse-Midwifery joined and became the American College of Nurse-Midwives. The year 1929 was the founding of the American Association of Nurse-Midwives.[5]
Year | Board Member Name | Position Held |
2023 | Heather Clarke | President |
2023 | Jessica Brumley | President Elect |
2023 | Alexis Amore Dunn | Vice President |
2023 | Bridget Howard | Secretary |
2023 | Cara Krulewitch | Treasurer |
2023 | Michelle Palmer | Region I Representative |
2023 | Nichole Wardlaw | Region II Representative |
2023 | Nikia Grayson | Region III Representative |
2023 | Katie Lavery | Region IV Representative |
2023 | Carrie Neerland | Region V Representative |
2023 | Jessica Ellis | Region VI Representative |
2023 | Theresa Coley-Kouadio | Region VII Representative |
2023 | Carolyn Curtis | Midwives of Color Representative |
2023 | Charlotte Morris | At-Large Midwife of Color |
2023 | Nurefsan Copur | Student Representative |
2023 | Jeff Clark | Public Member |
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2022 | Heather Clarke | President |
2022 | Jessica Brumley | Vice President |
2022 | Bridget Howard | Secretary |
2022 | Cara Krulewitch | Treasurer |
2022 | Michelle Palmer | Region I Representative |
2022 | Nichole Wardlaw | Region II Representative |
2022 | Nikia Grayson | Region III Representative |
2022 | Kathleen Lavery | Region IV Representative |
2022 | Carrie Neerland | Region V Representative |
2022 | Jessica Anderson | Region VI Representative |
2022 | Theresa Coley-Kouadio | Region VII Representative |
2022 | Jennifer Woo | Midwives Of Color Representative |
2022 | Charlotte Morris | At-Large Midwife of Color |
2022 | Natalie San Luis | Student Representative |
2022 | Jaye Clement | Public Member |
2021 | Cathy Collins-Fulea | President |
2021 | Heather Clarke | President-Elect |
2021 | Jessica Brumley | Vice President |
2021 | Bridget Howard | Secretary |
2021 | Cara Krulewitch | Treasurer |
2021 | Michelle Palmer | Region I Representative |
2021 | Nichole Wardlaw | Region II Representative |
2021 | Elois Edge | Region III Representative |
2021 | Kathleen Lavery | Region IV Representative |
2021 | Carrie Neerland | Region V Representative |
2021 | Jessica Anderson | Region VI Representative |
2021 | Theresa Coley-Kouadio | Region VII Representative |
2021 | Felina M. Ortiz | Midwives Of Color Representative |
2021 | Charlotte Morris | At-Large Midwife of Color |
2021 | Selena Wells | Student Representative |
2021 | Jaye Clement | Public Member |
2020 | Cathy Collins-Fulea | President |
2020 | Jessica Brumley | Vice President |
2020 | Bridget Howard | Secretary |
2020 | Cara Krulewitch | Treasurer |
2020 | Karen Jefferson | Region I Representative |
2020 | Nichole Wardlaw | Region II Representative |
2020 | Elois Edge | Region III Representative |
2020 | Kathleen Lavery | Region IV Representative |
2020 | Ann Forster Page | Region V Representative |
2020 | Jessica Anderson | Region VI Representative |
2020 | Theresa Coley-Kouadio | Region VII Representative |
2020 | Felina Ortiz | Ex-Officio/Midwives Of Color Representative |
2020 | Kendall McCoy | Student Representative |
2019 | Susan Stone | President |
2019 | Cathy Collins-Fulea | President-Elect |
2019 | Carol Howe | Vice President |
2019 | Bridget Howard | Secretary |
2019 | Cara Krulewitch | Treasurer |
2019 | Karen Jefferson | Region 1 Representative |
2019 | Jeanne Murphy | Region 2 Representative |
2019 | Elois Edge | Region 3 Representative |
2019 | Katie Moriarty | Region 4 Representative |
2019 | Ann Forster Page | Region 5 Representative |
2019 | Jessica Anderson | Region 6 Representative |
2019 | Ruth Mielke | Region 7 Representative |
2019 | Felina Ortiz | Ex-Officio/Midwives Of Color Representative |
2019 | Megan Johncox | Student Representative |
2018 | President Susan Stone | President |
2018 | Vice President Carol Howe | Vice President |
2018 | Secretary Bridget Howard | Secretary |
2018 | Treasurer Cara Krulewitch | Treasurer |
2018 | Region I Kathryn Kravetz Carr | Region 1 Representative |
2018 | Region II Jeanne Murphy | Region 2 Representative |
2018 | Region III Elois Edge | Region 3 Representative |
2018 | Region IV Katie Moriarty | Region 4 Representative |
2018 | Region V Ann Forster Page | Region 5 Representative |
2018 | Region VI Jessica Anderson | Region 6 Representative |
2018 | Region VII Ruth Mielke | Region 7 Representative |
2018 | Ex-Officio Patricia Loftman | Ex-Officio/Midwives Of Color Representative |
2018 | Student Kira Schultz | Student |
2017 | President Lisa Kane Low | President |
2017 | President Elect Susan Stone | President-Elect |
2017 | Vice President Carol Howe | Vice President |
2017 | Secretary Stephanie Tillman | Secretary |
2017 | Treasurer Joan Slager | Treasurer |
2017 | Region I Kathryn Kravetz Carr | Region 1 Representative |
2017 | Region II Mairi Breen Rothman | Region 2 Representative |
2017 | Region III Jenny Foster | Region 3 Representative |
2017 | Region IV Katie Moriarty | Region 4 Representative |
2017 | Region V Lynne Himmelreich | Region 5 Representative |
2017 | Region VI Jessica Anderson | Region 6 Representative |
2017 | Region VII Ruth Mielke | Region 7 Representative |
2017 | Ex-Officio Patricia Loftman | Ex-Officio/Midwives Of Color Representative |
2017 | Student Lilian Medhus | Student |
2016 | President Lisa Kane Low | President |
2016 | Vice President Cathy Collins-Fulea | Vice President |
2016 | Secretary Stephanie Tillman | Secretary |
2016 | Treasurer Joan Slager | Treasurer |
2016 | Region I Kathryn Kravetz Carr | Region 1 Representative |
2016 | Region II Mairi Rothman | Region 2 Representative |
2016 | Region III Jenny Foster | Region 3 Representative |
2016 | Region IV Katie Moriarty | Region 4 Representative |
2016 | Region V Lynne Himmelreich | Region 5 Representative |
2016 | Region VI Jane Dyer | Region 6 Representative |
2016 | Region VII Barbara Anderson | Region 7 Representative |
2016 | Student Andrew Youmans | Student |
2015 | President Ginger Breedlove | President |
2015 | President Elect Lisa Kane Low | President Elect |
2015 | Vice President Cathy Collins-Fulea | Vice President |
2015 | Secretary Stephanie Tillman | Secretary |
2015 | Treasurer Joan Slager | Treasurer |
2015 | Region I Anne Gibeau | Region 1 Representative |
2015 | Region II Mairi Rothman | Region 2 Representative |
2015 | Region III Michael McCann | Region 3 Representative |
2015 | Region IV Katie Moriarty | Region 4 Representative |
2015 | Region V Lynne Himmelreich | Region 5 Representative |
2015 | Region VI Jane Dyer | Region 6 Representative |
2015 | Region VII Barbara Anderson | Region 7 Representative |
2015 | Student Deirdre Horvath | Student |
2014 | President Ginger Breedlove | President |
2014 | Vice President Cathy Collins-Fulea | Vice President |
2014 | Secretary Kate Harrod | Secretary |
2014 | Treasurer Joan Slager | Treasurer |
2014 | Region I Anne Gibeau | Region 1 Representative |
2014 | Region II Mairi Rothman | Region 2 Representative |
2014 | Region III Michael McCann | Region 3 Representative |
2014 | Region IV Katie Moriarty | Region 4 Representative |
2014 | Region V Lynne Himmelreich | Region 5 Representative |
2014 | Region VI Jane Dyer | Region 6 Representative |
2014 | Region VII Barbara Anderson | Region 7 Representative |
2014 | Student Shannon Keller | Student |
2013 | President Ginger Breedlove | President |
2013 | Vice President Cathy Collins-Fulea | Vice President |
2013 | Secretary Kate Harrod | Secretary |
2013 | Treasurer Joan Slager | Treasurer |
2013 | Region I Linda Nanni | Region 1 Representative |
2013 | Region II Anne Gibeau | Region 2 Representative |
2013 | Region III Michael McCann | Region 3 Representative |
2013 | Region IV Mairi Breen-Rothman | Region 4 Representative |
2013 | Region V Lynne Himmelreich | Region 5 Representative |
2013 | Region VI Michelle Grandy | Region 6 Representative |
2013 | Student Lillian Funke | Student |
2012 | President Holly Powell Kennedy | President |
2012 | President-elect Ginger Breedlove | President-Elect |
2012 | Vice President Cathy Collins-Fulea | Vice President |
2012 | Secretary Kate Harrod | Secretary |
2012 | Treasurer Tanya Tanner | Treasurer |
2012 | Region I Linda Nanni | Region 1 Representative |
2012 | Region II Kate McHugh | Region 2 Representative |
2012 | Region III Michael McCann | Region 3 Representative |
2012 | Region IV Mairi Breen Rothman | Region 4 Representative |
2012 | Region V Lynne Himmelreich | Region 5 Representative |
2012 | Region VI Michelle Grandy | Region 6 Representative |
2011 | President Holly Powell Kennedy | President |
2011 | Vice President Cathy Collins-Fulea | Vice President |
2011 | Secretary Kate Harrod | Secretary |
2011 | Treasurer Tanya Tanner | Treasurer |
2011 | Region I Linda Nanni | Region 1 Representative |
2011 | Region II Kate McHugh | Region 2 Representative |
2011 | Region III Michael McCann | Region 3 Representative |
2011 | Region IV Kathryn Osborne | Region 4 Representative |
2011 | Region V Heather Swanson | Region 5 Representative |
2011 | Region VI Michelle Grandy | Region 6 Representative |
2010 | President Holly Powell Kennedy | President |
2010 | Vice President Dawn Durain | Vice President |
2010 | Secretary Kate Harrod | Secretary |
2010 | Treasurer Tanya Tanner | Treasurer |
2010 | Region I Linda Nanni | Region 1 Representative |
2010 | Region II Kate McHugh | Region 2 Representative |
2010 | Region III Michael McCann | Region 3 Representative |
2010 | Region IV Kathryn Osborne | Region 4 Representative |
2010 | Region V Heather Swanson | Region 5 Representative |
2010 | Region VI Candace Curlee | Region 6 Representative |
2009 | President Melissa Avery | President |
2009 | President-elect Holly Powell Kennedy | President-Elect |
2009 | Vice President Dawn Durain | Vice President |
2009 | Secretary Kate Harrod | Secretary |
2009 | Treasurer Tanya Tanner | Treasurer |
2009 | Region I Linda Nanni | Region 1 Representative |
2009 | Region II Suzanne M. Smith | Region 2 Representative |
2009 | Region III Cecilia Jevitt | Region 3 Representative |
2009 | Region IV Kathryn Osborne | Region 4 Representative |
2009 | Region V Heather Swanson | Region 5 Representative |
2009 | Region VI Candace Curlee | Region 6 Representative |
2008 | President Eunice K.M. Ernst | President |
2008 | Vice President Melissa Avery | Vice President |
2008 | Secretary Ginger Breedlove | Secretary |
2008 | Treasurer Tanya Tanner | Treasurer |
2008 | Region I Linda Nanni | Region 1 Representative |
2008 | Region II Dawn Durain | Region 2 Representative |
2008 | Region III Cecilia Jevitt | Region 3 Representative |
2008 | Region IV Cathy Collins-Fulea | Region 4 Representative |
2008 | Region V Lynne Himmelreich | Region 5 Representative |
2008 | Region VI Candace Curlee | Region 6 Representative |
2007 | President Eunice K.M. Ernst | President |
2007 | Vice President Melissa Avery | Vice President |
2007 | Secretary Ginger Breedlove | Secretary |
2007 | Treasurer Tanya Tanner | Treasurer |
2007 | Region I Barbara Fildes | Region 1 Representative |
2007 | Region II Dawn Durain | Region 2 Representative |
2007 | Region III Cecilia Jevitt | Region 3 Representative |
2007 | Region IV Cathy Collins-Fulea | Region 4 Representative |
2007 | Region V Lynne Himmelreich | Region 5 Representative |
2007 | Region VI Leslie Cragin | Region 6 Representative |
2006 | President Katherine Camacho Carr | President |
2006 | Vice President Melissa Avery | Vice President |
2006 | Secretary Ginger Breedlove | Secretary |
2006 | Treasurer Claire Westdahl | Treasurer |
2006 | Region I Barbara Fildes | Region 1 Representative |
2006 | Region II Elaine Mielcarski | Region 2 Representative |
2006 | Region III Karen Sadar Watt | Region 3 Representative |
2006 | Region IV Cathy Collins-Fulea | Region 4 Representative |
2006 | Region V Lynne Himmelreich | Region 5 Representative |
2006 | Region VI Leslie Cragin | Region 6 Representative |
2005 | President Katherine Camacho Carr | President |
2005 | Vice President Melissa Avery | Vice President |
2005 | Secretary Ginger Breedlove | Secretary |
2005 | Treasurer Claire Westdahl | Treasurer |
2005 | Region I Barbara Fildes | Region 1 Representative |
2005 | Region II Elaine Mielcarski | Region 2 Representative |
2005 | Region III Karen Sadar Watt | Region 3 Representative |
2005 | Region IV Cheri Moran | Region 4 Representative |
2005 | Region V Roberta Poirier | Region 5 Representative |
2005 | Region VI Leslie Cragin | Region 6 Representative |
2004 | President Katherine Camacho Carr | President |
2004 | Vice President Gwendolyn Spears | Vice President |
2004 | Secretary Ginger Breedlove | Secretary |
2004 | Treasurer Claire Westdahl | Treasurer |
2004 | Region I Amy Levi | Region 1 Representative |
2004 | Region II Elaine Mielcarski | Region 2 Representative |
2004 | Region III Margaret McGill | Region 3 Representative |
2004 | Region IV Cheri Moran | Region 4 Representative |
2004 | Region V Roberta Poirier | Region 5 Representative |
2004 | Region VI Susan Jacoby | Region 6 Representative |
2003 | President Mary Ann Shah | President |
2003 | Vice President Gwendolyn Spears | Vice President |
2003 | Secretary Ginger Breedlove | Secretary |
2003 | Treasurer Kathleen Martin | Treasurer |
2003 | Region I Amy Levi | Region 1 Representative |
2003 | Region II Katy Dawley | Region 2 Representative |
2003 | Region III Claire Westdahl | Region 3 Representative |
2003 | Region IV Cheri Moran | Region 4 Representative |
2003 | Region V Roberta Porier | Region 5 Representative |
2003 | Region VI Susan Jacoby | Region 6 Representative |
2002 | President Mary Ann Shah | President |
2002 | Vice President Gwendolyn Spears | Vice President |
2002 | Secretary Deborah Walker | Secretary |
2002 | Treasurer Kathleen Martin | Treasurer |
2002 | Region I Amy Levi | Region 1 Representative |
2002 | Region II Katy Dawley | Region 2 Representative |
2002 | Region III Claire Westdahl | Region 3 Representative |
2002 | Region IV Lisa Kane Low | Region 4 Representative |
2002 | Region V Janice Keller Kvale | Region 5 Representative |
2002 | Region VI Susan Jacoby | Region 6 Representative |
2001 | President Mary Ann Shah | President |
2001 | Vice President Teresa Marchese | Vice President |
2001 | Secretary Deborah Walker | Secretary |
2001 | Treasurer Kathleen Martin | Treasurer |
2001 | Region I Ruth Keen | Region 1 Representative |
2001 | Region II Katy Dawley | Region 2 Representative |
2001 | Region III Claire Westdahl | Region 3 Representative |
2001 | Region IV Lisa Kane Low | Region 4 Representative |
2001 | Region V Janice Keller Kvale | Region 5 Representative |
2001 | Region VI Barbara Douglass | Region 6 Representative |
2000 | President Joyce Roberts | President |
2000 | Vice President Teresa Marchese | Vice President |
2000 | Secretary Deborah Walker | Secretary |
2000 | Treasurer Kathleen Martin | Treasurer |
2000 | Region I Ruth Keen | Region 1 Representative |
2000 | Region II Susan Stapleton | Region 2 Representative |
2000 | Region III Nancy Moss | Region 3 Representative |
2000 | Region IV Lisa Kane Low | Region 4 Representative |
2000 | Region V Janice Keller Kvale | Region 5 Representative |
2000 | Region VI Barbara Douglass | Region 6 Representative |
1999 | President Joyce Roberts | President |
1999 | Vice President Teresa Marchese | Vice President |
1999 | Secretary Nancy Sullivan | Secretary |
1999 | Treasurer Kathleen Martin | Treasurer |
1999 | Region I Ruth Keen | Region 1 Representative |
1999 | Region II Susan Stapleton | Region 2 Representative |
1999 | Region III Nancy Moss | Region 3 Representative |
1999 | Region IV Debbie Jessup | Region 4 Representative |
1999 | Region V Kay Sedler | Region 5 Representative |
1999 | Region VI Barbara Douglass | Region 6 Representative |
1998 | President Joyce Roberts | President |
1998 | Vice President Katherine Camacho Carr | Vice President |
1998 | Secretary Nancy Sullivan | Secretary |
1998 | Treasurer Kathleen Martin | Treasurer |
1998 | Region I Helena McDonough | Region 1 Representative |
1998 | Region II Susan Stapleton | Region 2 Representative |
1998 | Region III Nancy Moss | Region 3 Representative |
1998 | Region IV Debbie Jessup | Region 4 Representative |
1998 | Region V Kay Sedler | Region 5 Representative |
1998 | Region VI Linda Church | Region 6 Representative |
1997 | President Joyce Roberts | President |
1997 | Vice President Katherine Camacho Carr | Vice President |
1997 | Secretary Nancy Sullivan | Secretary |
1997 | Treasurer Ellen Martin | Treasurer |
1997 | Region I Helena McDonough | Region 1 Representative |
1997 | Region II Patricia Burkhardt | Region 2 Representative |
1997 | Region III Anne Richter | Region 3 Representative |
1997 | Region IV Debbie Jessup | Region 4 Representative |
1997 | Region V Kay Sedler | Region 5 Representative |
1997 | Region VI Linda Church | Region 6 Representative |
1996 | President Joyce Roberts | President |
1996 | Vice President Katherine Camacho Carr | Vice President |
1996 | Secretary Nancy Fleming | Secretary |
1996 | Treasurer Ellen Martin | Treasurer |
1996 | Region I Helena McDonough | Region 1 Representative |
1996 | Region II Patricia Burkhardt | Region 2 Representative |
1996 | Region III Anne Richter | Region 3 Representative |
1996 | Region IV Deb Jessup, completed term of Maureen Chrzanowski | Region 4 Representative |
1996 | Region V Nancy Jo Reedy | Region 5 Representative |
1996 | Region VI Linda Church | Region 6 Representative |
1995 | President Joyce Roberts | President |
1995 | Vice President Joanne Middleton | Vice President |
1995 | Secretary Nancy Fleming | Secretary |
1995 | Treasurer Ellen Martin | Treasurer |
1995 | Region I Susan Ulrich | Region 1 Representative |
1995 | Region II Patricia Burkhardt | Region 2 Representative |
1995 | Region III Anne Richter | Region 3 Representative |
1995 | Region IV Maureen Chrzanowski | Region 4 Representative |
1995 | Region V Nancy Jo Reedy | Region 5 Representative |
1995 | Region VI Gwendolyn Speers | Region 6 Representative |
1994 | President Teresa Marsico | President |
1994 | Vice President Joanne Middleton | Vice President |
1994 | Secretary Nancy Fleming | Secretary |
1994 | Treasurer Linda May | Treasurer |
1994 | Region I Susan Ulrich | Region 1 Representative |
1994 | Region II Diane Erwin | Region 2 Representative |
1994 | Region III Ellen Martin | Region 3 Representative |
1994 | Region IV Maureen Chrzanowski | Region 4 Representative |
1994 | Region V Nancy Jo Reedy | Region 5 Representative |
1994 | Region VI Gwendolyn Spears | Region 6 Representative |
1993 | President Teresa Marsico | President |
1993 | Vice President Joanne Middleton | Vice President |
1993 | Secretary Erica L. Kathryn | Secretary |
1993 | Treasurer Linda May | Treasurer |
1993 | Region I Susan Ulrich | Region 1 Representative |
1993 | Region II Diane Erwin | Region 2 Representative |
1993 | Region III Ellen Martin | Region 3 Representative |
1993 | Region IV Nancy Fleming | Region 4 Representative |
1993 | Region V Caroline Routledge | Region 5 Representative |
1993 | Region VI Gwendolyn Spears | Region 6 Representative |
1992 | President Joyce E. Thompson | President |
1992 | Vice President Teresa Marsico | Vice President |
1992 | Secretary Erica L. Kathryn | Secretary |
1992 | Treasurer Linda May | Treasurer |
1992 | Region I Kathleen Keleher | Region 1 Representative |
1992 | Region II Diane Erwin | Region 2 Representative |
1992 | Region III Ellen Martin | Region 3 Representative |
1992 | Region IV Nancy Fleming | Region 4 Representative |
1992 | Region V Caroline Routledge | Region 5 Representative |
1992 | Region VI Nancy Sullivan | Region 6 Representative |
1991 | President Joyce E. Thompson | President |
1991 | Vice President Teresa Marsico | Vice President |
1991 | Secretary Erica L. Kathryn | Secretary |
1991 | Treasurer Barbara Vaughey | Treasurer |
1991 | Region I Kathleen Keleher | Region 1 Representative |
1991 | Region II Karen Baldwin | Region 2 Representative |
1991 | Region III Linda May | Region 3 Representative |
1991 | Region IV Nancy Fleming | Region 4 Representative |
1991 | Region V Caroline Routledge | Region 5 Representative |
1991 | Region VI Nancy Sullivan | Region 6 Representative |
1990 | President Joyce E. Thompson | President |
1990 | Vice President Teresa Marsico | Vice President |
1990 | Secretary Jeanne Brinkley | Secretary |
1990 | Treasurer Barbara Vaughey | Treasurer |
1990 | Region I Kathleen Keleher | Region 1 Representative |
1990 | Region II Karen Baldwin | Region 2 Representative |
1990 | Region III Linda May | Region 3 Representative |
1990 | Region IV Margaret Taylor | Region 4 Representative |
1990 | Region V Ruth Ann Price | Region 5 Representative |
1990 | Region VI Nancy Sullivan | Region 6 Representative |
1989 | President Joyce E. Thompson | President |
1989 | Vice President Mary Alice Johnson | Vice President |
1989 | Secretary Jeanne Brinkley | Secretary |
1989 | Treasurer Barbara Vaughey | Treasurer |
1989 | Region I Jan Kriebs | Region 1 Representative |
1989 | Region II Karen Baldwin | Region 2 Representative |
1989 | Region III Linda May | Region 3 Representative |
1989 | Region IV Margaret Taylor | Region 4 Representative |
1989 | Region V Ruth Ann Price | Region 5 Representative |
1989 | Region VI Janice Sack | Region 6 Representative |
1988 | President Elizabeth M. Bear | President |
1988 | Vice President Mary Alice Johnson | Vice President |
1988 | Secretary Jeanne Brinkley | Secretary |
1988 | Treasurer Barbara Vaughey | Treasurer |
1988 | Region I Christine Kuhlman | Region 1 Representative |
1988 | Region II Judith De Spirito | Region 2 Representative |
1988 | Region III Dayle Peck | Region 3 Representative |
1988 | Region IV Margaret Taylor | Region 4 Representative |
1988 | Region V Reg rep Carol Milligan, term completed by Ruth Ann Price | Region 5 Representative |
1988 | Region VI Janice Sack | Region 6 Representative |
1987 | President Elizabeth M. Bear | President |
1987 | Vice President Mary Alice Johnson | Vice President |
1987 | Secretary Mary Ellen Stanton | Secretary |
1987 | Treasurer Barbara Vaughey | Treasurer |
1987 | Region I Christine Kuhlman | Region 1 Representative |
1987 | Region II Judith De Spirito | Region 2 Representative |
1987 | Region III Dayle Peck | Region 3 Representative |
1987 | Region IV Margaret Taylor | Region 4 Representative |
1987 | Region V Deanne Williams | Region 5 Representative |
1987 | Region VI Janice Sack | Region 6 Representative |
1986 | President Susan A. Yates | President |
1986 | Vice President Maureen A. Kelley | Vice President |
1986 | Secretary Mary Ellen Stanton | Secretary |
1986 | Treasurer Barbara Vaughey | Treasurer |
1986 | Region I Mary Alice Johnson | Region 1 Representative |
1986 | Region II Gail Sinquefield | Region 2 Representative |
1986 | Region III Dayle Peck | Region 3 Representative |
1986 | Region IV Margaret Taylor | Region 4 Representative |
1986 | Region V Deanne Williams | Region 5 Representative |
1986 | Region VI Carol Ann Howe | Region 6 Representative |
1985 | President Susan A. Yates | President |
1985 | Vice President Maureen A. Kelley | Vice President |
1985 | Secretary Mary Ellen Stanton | Secretary |
1985 | Treasurer Joanne Middleton | Treasurer |
1985 | Region I Mary Alice Johnson | Region 1 Representative |
1985 | Region II Gail Sinquefield | Region 2 Representative |
1985 | Region III Cornelia Dewees | Region 3 Representative |
1985 | Region IV Janice Wery | Region 4 Representative |
1985 | Region V Margaret Edmundson | Region 5 Representative |
1985 | Region VI Carol Ann Howe | Region 6 Representative |
1984 | President Judith Rooks | President |
1984 | Vice President Nancy Burton | Vice President |
1984 | Secretary Mary Ellen Stanton | Secretary |
1984 | Treasurer Joanne Middleton | Treasurer |
1984 | Region I Sandra Perkins | Region 1 Representative |
1984 | Region II Shirely White | Region 2 Representative |
1984 | Region III Cornelia Dewees | Region 3 Representative |
1984 | Region IV Janice Wery | Region 4 Representative |
1984 | Region V Margaret Edmundson | Region 5 Representative |
1984 | Region VI Katherine Camacho Carr | Region 6 Representative |
1983 | President Judith Rooks | President |
1983 | Vice President Nancy Burton | Vice President |
1983 | Secretary Marilynn Schmidt | Secretary |
1983 | Treasurer Joanne Middleton | Treasurer |
1983 | Region I Sandra M. Perkins | Region 1 Representative |
1983 | Region II Shirley White | Region 2 Representative |
1983 | Region III Maureen Kelly | Region 3 Representative |
1983 | Region IV Nancy Jo Reedy | Region 4 Representative |
1983 | Region V Karen L. Allen | Region 5 Representative |
1983 | Region VI Katherine Camacho Carr | Region 6 Representative |
1982 | President Sister Angela Murdaugh | President |
1982 | Vice President E. Kitty Ernst | Vice President |
1982 | Secretary Marilynn Schmidt | Secretary |
1982 | Treasurer Joanne Middleton | Treasurer |
1982 | Region I Ann Corrinet | Region 1 Representative |
1982 | Region II Elinor Buchbinder | Region 2 Representative |
1982 | Region III Janet Epstein | Region 3 Representative |
1982 | Region IV Nancy Jo Reedy | Region 4 Representative |
1982 | Region V Maureen Kelly | Region 5 Representative |
1982 | Region VI Karen L. Allen | Region 6 Representative |
1981 | President Sister Angela Murdaugh | President |
1981 | Vice President E. Kitty Ernst | Vice President |
1981 | Secretary Ruth Shiers | Secretary |
1981 | Treasurer Brenda Penner | Treasurer |
1981 | Region I Ann Corrinet | Region 1 Representative |
1981 | Region II Elinor Buchbinder | Region 2 Representative |
1981 | Region III Janet Epstein | Region 3 Representative |
1981 | Region IV Nancy Jo Reedy | Region 4 Representative |
1981 | Region V Kathleen Higgins | Region 5 Representative |
1981 | Region VI Irene Nielsen | Region 6 Representative |
1980 | President Helen Varney Burst | President |
1980 | Vice President Elizabeth Bear | Vice President |
1980 | Secretary Ruth Shiers | Secretary |
1980 | Treasurer Brenda Penner | Treasurer |
1980 | Region I Ann Corrinet | Region 1 Representative |
1980 | Region II Sandra Alexander | Region 2 Representative |
1980 | Region III Judith Fullerton | Region 3 Representative |
1980 | Region IV Ann Bradford | Region 4 Representative |
1980 | Region V Sara E. Woolbert | Region 5 Representative |
1980 | Region VI Sister Ann Keating | Region 6 Representative |
1978 | President Helen Varney Burst | President |
1978 | Vice President Elizabeth Bear | Vice President |
1978 | Secretary Ruth Shiers | Secretary |
1978 | Treasurer Brenda Penner | Treasurer |
1978 | Region I Judith Edwards | Region 1 Representative |
1978 | Region II Linda Hamlin | Region 2 Representative |
1978 | Region III Ann Koontz | Region 3 Representative |
1978 | Region IV Ann Bradford | Region 4 Representative |
1978 | Region V Sara Woolbert | Region 5 Representative |
1978 | Region VI Sister Ann Keating | Region 6 Representative |
1977 | President Helen Varney Burst | President |
1977 | Vice President Elizabeth Bear | Vice President |
1977 | Secretary Suzanne Dahlman | Secretary |
1977 | Treasurer Johanna E. Borsellega | Treasurer |
1977 | Region I Judith Edwards | Region 1 Representative |
1977 | Region II Linda Hamlin | Region 2 Representative |
1977 | Region III Ann Koontz | Region 3 Representative |
1977 | Region IV Ann Bradford | Region 4 Representative |
1977 | Region V Sandra Dietrich | Region 5 Representative |
1977 | Region VI Susan Leibel | Region 6 Representative |
1976 | President Dorothea Lang | President |
1976 | Vice President Sister Jeanne Meurer | Vice President |
1976 | Secretary Suzanne Dahlman | Secretary |
1976 | Treasurer Johanna E Borsellega | Treasurer |
1976 | Regional 1 Phyllis Tryon | Region 1 Representative |
1976 | Regional 2 Carole Kaufman | Region 2 Representative |
1976 | Regional 3 Phyllis Long | Region 3 Representative |
1976 | Regional 4 Joyce Roberts | Region 4 Representative |
1976 | Regional 5 Sandra Dietrich | Region 5 Representative |
1976 | Regional 6 Susan Leibel | Region 6 Representative |
1975 | President Dorothea Lang | President |
1975 | Vice President Sister Jeanne Meurer | Vice President |
1975 | Secretary Mary Shean | Secretary |
1975 | Treasurer Susan Fischman | Treasurer |
1975 | Regional director Phyllis Tryon | Regional Director |
1975 | Regional director Carole Kaufman | Regional Director |
1975 | Regional director Phyllis Long | Regional Director |
1975 | Regional director Patricia Urbanus | Regional Director |
1975 | Regional director Marie Meglen | Regional Director |
1975 | Regional director Suzanne Dahlman | Regional Director |
1974 | President Elizabeth Sharp | President |
1974 | President-Elect Dorothea Lang | President-Elect |
1974 | Vice President Betty Carrington | Vice President |
1974 | Secretary Mary Shean | Secretary |
1974 | Treasurer Susan Fischman | Treasurer |
1974 | Regional director Sister Jeanne Meurer | Regional Director |
1974 | Regional director Dorothea Lang | Regional Director |
1974 | Regional director Mary Mulqueen | Regional Director |
1974 | Regional director Patricia Urbanus | Regional Director |
1974 | Regional director Marie Meglen | Regional Director |
1974 | Regional director Suzanne Dahlman | Regional Director |
1973 | President Elizabeth Sharp | President |
1973 | President-Elect Dorothea Lang | President-Elect |
1973 | Vice President Betty Carrington | Vice President |
1973 | Secretary Helen Burst | Secretary |
1973 | Treasurer Susan Fischman | Treasurer |
1973 | Member at large Irene Matousek | Member at Large |
1973 | Member at large Jane Elliot | Member at Large |
1973 | Member at large Sister Jeanne Meurer | Member at Large |
1973 | Member at large Mary Mulqueen | Member at Large |
1972 | President Carmela Cavero | President |
1972 | President-Elect Elizabeth Sharp | President-Elect |
1972 | Vice President Dorothea Lang | Vice President |
1972 | Secretary Helen Burst | Secretary |
1972 | Treasurer Susan Fischman | Treasurer |
1972 | Member at large Gertrude Isaacs | Member at Large |
1972 | Member at large Katherine Kindall | Member at Large |
1972 | Member at large Irene Matousek | Member at Large |
1972 | Member at large Jane Elliot | Member at Large |
1971 | President Carmela Cavero | President |
1971 | Vice President Dorothea Lang | Vice President |
1971 | Secretary Mary Dunn | Secretary |
1971 | Treasurer Susan Fischman | Treasurer |
1971 | Member at large Alice Forman | Member at Large |
1971 | Member at large Sister Catherine Shean | Member at Large |
1971 | Member at large Gertrude Isaacs | Member at Large |
1971 | Member at large Katherine Kindall | Member at Large |
1970 | President Lucille Woodville | President |
1970 | President-Elect Carmela Cavero | President-Elect |
1970 | Vice President Dorothea Lang | Vice President |
1970 | Secretary Mary Dunn | Secretary |
1970 | Treasurer Lorraine Sevcovic | Treasurer |
1970 | Member at large Helen E. Browne | Member at Large |
1970 | Member at large Alice Forman | Member at Large |
1970 | Member at large Sister Catherine Shean | Member at Large |
1970 | Member at large Johanna Borsellega | Member at Large |
1969 | President Lucille Woodville | President |
1969 | President-Elect Ruth Lubic | President-Elect |
1969 | Vice President Catherine Corboy | Vice President |
1969 | Secretary Josephine Sagebeer | Secretary |
1969 | Treasurer Lorraine Sevcovic | Treasurer |
1969 | Member at large Dorothea Lang | Member at Large |
1969 | Member at large Helen E. Browne | Member at Large |
1967 | President Lillian Runnerstrom | President |
1967 | President-Elect Lucille Woodville | President-Elect |
1967 | Vice President Ernestine Wiedenbach | Vice President |
1967 | Secretary Josephine Sagebeer | Secretary |
1967 | Treasurer Peggy Ebington | Treasurer |
1967 | Board Member Patricia Boone | Board Member |
1967 | Board Member Agnes Shoemaker | Board Member |
1967 | Executive Secretary Aileen Hogan | Executive Secretary |
1966 | President Vera Keane | President |
1966 | President-Elect Lillian Runnerstrom | President-Elect |
1966 | Vice President Ruth Watson Lubic | Vice President |
1966 | Secretary Josephine Sagebeer | Secretary |
1966 | Treasurer Peggy Elrington | Treasurer |
1966 | Board Member Marion Strachan | Board Member |
1966 | Board Member Harriet Keefer Simpson | Board Member |
1966 | Executive Secretary Aileen Hogan | Executive Secretary |
1966 | Board Member Harriet Keefer Simpson | Board Member |
1966 | Vice President Ernestine Wiedenbach | Vice President |
1966 | Board Member Esther Lipton | Board Member |
1965 | President Vera Keane | President |
1965 | President-Elect Lillian Runnerstrom | President-Elect |
1965 | Vice President Ruth Watson Lubic | Vice President |
1965 | Treasurer Peggy Elrington | Treasurer |
1965 | Board Member Harriet Keefer Simpson | Board Member |
1965 | Executive Secretary Ruth Watson Lubic | Executive Secretary |
1964 | President Sister Mary Stella | President |
1964 | President-Elect Vera Keane | President-Elect |
1964 | Vice President Ruth Lubic | Vice President |
1964 | Secretary Eileen Connolly | Secretary |
1964 | Treasurer Cecelia Buser | Treasurer |
1964 | Board Member Anna Mary Noll | Board Member |
1964 | Board Member Margaret Thomas | Board Member |
1963 | President Sister Mary Stella | President |
1963 | President-Elect Vera Keane | President-Elect |
1963 | Vice President Aileen Hogan | Vice President |
1963 | Secretary Hattie Hemschemeyer | Secretary |
1963 | Treasurer Cecelia Buser | Treasurer |
1963 | Board Member Anne Mary Noll | Board Member |
1963 | Board Member Mary Virginia Ruth | Board Member |
1962 | President E. Kitty MacDonald Ernst | President |
1962 | President-Elect Sister Mary Stella | President-Elect |
1962 | Vice President Aileen Hogan | Vice President |
1962 | Secretary Hattie Hemschemeyer | Secretary |
1962 | Treasurer Cecilia Buser | Treasurer |
1962 | Board Member Catherine Corboy | Board Member |
1962 | Board Member Mary Virginia Ruth | Board Member |
1961 | President E. Kitty MacDonald | President |
1961 | President-Elect Sister Mary Stella | President-Elect |
1961 | Vice President Vera Keane | Vice President |
1961 | Secretary Elizabeth Hosford | Secretary |
1961 | Treasurer Cecelia Buser | Treasurer |
1961 | Board Member Dorothy Robinson | Board Member |
1961 | Board Member Catherine Corboy | Board Member |
1960 | President Mary I. Crawford | President |
1960 | President-Elect E. Kitty MacDonald | President-Elect |
1960 | Vice President Vera Keane | Vice President |
1960 | Secretary Elizabeth Hosford | Secretary |
1960 | Treasurer Anne Fox | Treasurer |
1960 | Board Member Verda Hickcox | Board Member |
1960 | Board Member Aileen Hogan | Board Member |
1960 | Member at large Aileen Hogan | Board Member at Large |
1960 | Member at large Dorothy Robinson | Board Member at Large |
1958 | President Sister M. Theopane Shoemaker | President |
1958 | President-Elect Mary I. Crawford | President-Elect |
1958 | Vice President Vera Keane | Vice President |
1958 | Secretary Anne Fox | Secretary |
1958 | Treasurer Elizabeth Hosford | Treasurer |
1958 | Executive Board Ruth Doran | Board Member |
1958 | Executive Board Verda F Hickcox | Board Member |
1957 | President Sister M. Theopane Shoemaker | President |
1957 | President-Elect Mary I. Crawford | President-Elect |
1957 | Vice President Vera Keane | Vice President |
1957 | Secretary Anne Fox | Secretary |
1957 | Treasurer Elizabeth Hosford | Treasurer |
1957 | Executive Board Ruth Doran | Board Member |
1957 | Executive Board Elinor Miller | Board Member |
1955 | President Hattie Hemschemeyer | President |
1955 | President-Elect Sister M. Theopane Shoemaker (Agnes Reinders) | President-Elect |
1955 | Vice President Sara E. Fetter | Vice President |
1955 | Secretary Mary I. Crawford | Secretary |
1955 | Treasurer Mildred Disbrow | Treasurer |
1955 | Board Member Anne Fox | Board Member |
1955 | Board Member Hannah Mitchell | Board Member |
The membership of the American College of Nurse-Midwives has been characterized from the beginning by its dedication, commitment, hard work, articulateness, personal sacrifice, vision, and pioneering spirit. The annals of the ACNM’s brief history are peopled with creative giants who were also willing to do the necessary detail work while dipping into their own pocketbooks to finance it. Starting with a charter membership of 124, the ACNM had grown to a membership of 860 by its twentieth anniversary in 1975. By 1980 the membership, now including students, had increased to over 1500, by 1984 to 2534, and by 2000 to over 7000. This figure reflects the fact that approximately 87 percent of the total number of certified nurse-midwives belong to the ACNM. Seventeen nurse-midwives attended the first annual meeting in Kansas City in 1955; 291 members were in attendance at the twentieth annual meeting in Jackson, Mississippi, in 1975. Convention attendance first passed the 1000 mark with 863 members and 138 guests in Philadelphia in 1984.
The rapid expansion of nurse-midwifery and proliferation of nurse-midwives placed stress on the professional organization. The total number of nurse-midwives had tripled in less than 10 years (1975-1984). The organization was faced with having to change from a small, intimate group of hard-working, dedicated nurse-midwives with a relatively simple organizational structure and management style that could cope with a rapid increase in membership without losing its dedication and ideals. This was done. The productivity of the American College of Nurse-Midwives since its founding in 1955 is inspirational and shows what a small group can do.
The ACNM has undergirded midwifery: education, practice, recognition, legislation, credentialing, insurance, communication, research, and interprofessional and interorganizational relationships. The founding of the ACNM was described as follows: “To support individual efforts the nurse-midwives have banded together. . . . This provides them with an official mouthpiece for education, a base for common planning and discussion”[6]. Almost a century ago the lack of any national organizations, journals, system of education, legal recognition, or access to the health care system led to the “midwife problem and debate.” Today the ACNM provides or works for all of these mechanisms of survival for the profession of midwifery. The ACNM exists to “promote the health and well-being of women and infants within their families and communities through the development and support of the profession of midwifery as practiced by certified nurse-midwives, and certified midwives”[7]. The ACNM speaks for the profession of midwifery. Although the ACNM is an autonomous professional organization, it collaborates with all other professional organizations and groups that share its primary concern of quality health care for all women and babies.
- Nurse-midwifery today.Public Health Nursing(May 1949).
- Hemschemeyer, H. Sends Message to members.Bulletin of the American College of Nurse-Midwifery1(2):5-6, March, 1956.
- Hemschemeyer, H. Report of the first president of the American College of Nurse-Midwifery.Bulletin of the American College of Nurse-Midwifery10(1):4-10 (Spring) 1965 (Anniversary Issue).
- Articles of Incorporation, as amended through May, 1997. American College of Nurse-Midwives, 1995.
- Kroska, R. The emblem of the American College of Nurse-Midwives.Journal of Nurse-Midwifery18(3):23-24 (Fall) 1973.
- Editorial.Bulletin of the American College of Nurse-Midwifery,4(2):37-38, (June) 1959.
- ACNM Mission Statement,1998
Our Philosophy of Care
We, the American College of Nurse-Midwives, affirm the power and strength of all people seeking midwifery care and the importance of health in the wellbeing of families, communities, and nations. We believe in the basic human rights of all persons and recognize that some incur disproportionate risk when these rights are violated. Human dignity and bodily autonomy are basic human rights that should be protected and respected in all areas of care, including in reproductive and sexual health.
We believe every person has a right to:
- Equitable, ethical, accessible, quality health care that promotes healing and health.
- Health care providers that demonstrate respect for human dignity, individuality, and diversity among groups; act without bias or discrimination; and actively seek to disrupt systems of power and privilege that cause harm.
- Complete, accurate, and accessible information to make informed healthcare decisions.
- Self-determination and active participation in health care decisions, as the final decision maker of the health care team.
- Involvement of people the individual considers important to them, to the extent desired, in all health care experiences.
We believe the best model of health care:
- Includes the full scope of health across the lifespan.
- Involves a continuous and compassionate partnership between persons seeking care and their health care providers.
- Recognizes the importance of interdisciplinary, collaborative care.
- Respects the individual’s absolute right to bodily autonomy.
- Honors a person’s expertise, life experiences, community, and historical knowledge.
- Includes methods of care and healing guided by research and best available evidence, centered on the individual’s decisions, values, and preferences.
- Balances watchful waiting and support of physiologic processes with the appropriate use of interventions and technology.
- Involves therapeutic use of human presence and skillful communication.
These beliefs and values, centered in cultural humility and delineated in ACNM’s Vision, Mission, and Core Values provide the foundation for commitment to individual and collective leadership at the community, state, national, and international levels to improve health. We affirm that midwifery care incorporates these qualities and that healthcare needs are well-served through midwifery care.
Annual Reports
Audited Financial Statements
Bylaws/ Governance Policies
Beginning in 2008, the IRS form 990 (the non-profit tax return) requires non-profit organizations to report whether certain written policies and documentation is in place. ACNM requires that all volunteer leadership familiarize themselves with all of the policies below and sign the Leadership Guidelines of Ethical Conduct and the Policy Acknowledgement Form annually to address this section of the 990. The following policies have been adopted by the ACNM national organization.