About Midwifery

About Midwifery

Midwifery as practiced by certified nurse-midwives (CNMs) and certified midwives (CMs) encompasses the independent provision of care during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period; sexual and reproductive health; gynecologic health; and family planning services, including preconception care. Midwives also provide primary care for individuals from adolescence throughout the lifespan as well as care for the healthy newborn during the first 28 days of life. Midwives provide care for all individuals who seek midwifery care, inclusive of all gender identities and sexual orientations.

Become a Midwife

Being or becoming a midwife requires rigorous educational preparation as well as a commitment to improving sexual and reproductive health care. This section of the ACNM website provides a multitude of resources for aspiring midwives, new midwives, and those in all stages of their careers.

Discover Midwives

Interested in midwifery care? Learn more from our resources at discovermidwives.com.

Ask the Midwife

Ask the Midwife is a series of patient information handouts from the Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health (JMWH). We encourage you to print and share these handouts.


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