About Us

What is ACNM?

ACNM sets the standard for excellence in midwifery education and practice in the United States and strengthens the capacity of midwives in developing countries. Our members are primary care, sexual, and reproductive providers for people throughout their lifespans, with a special emphasis on pregnancy, childbirth, and gynecologic and reproductive health.

Our Vision

Midwifery for every community.

Our Mission

To support midwives, advance the practice of midwifery, and achieve optimal, equitable health outcomes for the people and communities midwives serve.

What is Midwifery?

Our Work

What ACNM Does for You

ACNM provides core resources to our members in support of our mission. Find out what ACNM can do for you.

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News & Updates

ACNM Capitol Hill Day – May 4-5, 2025

ACNM will host a Legislative Briefing and Advocacy “Hill” Day in Washington, D.C. on Sunday, May 4th and Monday, May 5th, 2025. ACNM will host a Legislative Briefing and Advocacy

Syphilis Testing

Syphilis Testing by Caitlin Legros, MSN, CNM Fourteen years into my practice, and I still feel that familiar sinking feeling in my stomach when I see a positive Syphilis test.

learn with ACNM

Opportunities for Growth

virtual clinical labs
& exams

Check out ACNM’s continuing education webinars and virtual skills labs!
We provide content geared towards YOUR midwifery practice.

On-Demand Continuing Education

Missed a live webinar? Find all previous webinars on our online learning center. Previous content includes: midwifery model of care in a global context, systemic racism and maternal health in the US, perinatal addiction, and more!

Upcoming Educational Opportunities

Our calendar includes key upcoming education and advocacy events on a national and state level for our members and stakeholders to participate in. Schedule your opportunities to get involved.

Discover ACNM

Our Features


Quickening Membership

Online Learning Center

eMidwife Sonography
ExamSim Program!

Certified Midwife Credential

Advanced Evaluation & Management

Resources for Students

Midwifery Workforce

Member Discount for GynZone!


Volunteer with ACNM

From helping your local community to bettering conditions across the globe, you can positively impact people by offering your time and creativity to ACNM’s cause. Gain new experiences and insights, make meaningful connections, and build essential career skills.


Advancing the Practice of Midwifery

ACNM’s advocacy efforts focus on improving the policy environment for the practice of midwifery. We also support efforts by consumers, employers, payers and providers to ensure that high quality, high value care is delivered to all individuals.


To the new website for the American College of Nurse-Midwives. If you need to access a resource from the previous website, please click below.