ACNM Fellows
2025 Fellows Application
Applications for the ACNM Fellows are open from 2/3/25
to 3/15/25.
Applicants will be notified by 5/7/25, and induction will take place at Annual Meeting in the fall of 2025.
About ACNM Fellows
General Information about the Fellowship
What is the FACNM?
The FACNM is an abbreviation for the Fellows of the American College of Nurse-Midwives.
What is a Fellow?
The Fellowship in the American College of Nurse-Midwives (FACNM) is an honor bestowed upon those midwives whose demonstrated leadership within ACNM, clinical excellence, outstanding scholarship, and professional achievement have merited special recognition both within and outside of the midwifery profession. FACNM represents the commitment of the ACNM to honor our own. In light of the vast wealth of expertise and collective wisdom represented within the body of Fellows, its mission is to serve the ACNM in a consultative and advisory capacity. The ACNM Fellowship program was established in 1994. There have been about 723 ACNM members thus far inducted as Fellows.
Who are the Fellows of the ACNM?
The vast majority of Fellows are Fellows-at-Large. Each year, Fellows-at-Large are inducted into Fellowship at the ACNM Annual Meeting.
There are also Distinguished Fellows, which include all ACNM presidents and Hattie Hemschemeyer Award recipients. Distinguished Fellowship is conferred for the lifetime of the individual.
Honored Fellowship was a special recognition bestowed by the FACNM Board of Governors to midwives who had accrued outstanding achievements within the midwifery profession, ACNM, and/or women’s health care field during a career that spanned more than four decades. Up to four individuals a year were invited into Fellowship by the BOG, bypassing the usual application process. They were designated lifetime Honored Fellows of the ACNM. This category of fellowship was retired in 2004.
What is the Fellows Board of Governors (BOG)?
What is the Fellows' Talk?
The Fellows’ Talk was established in 2009 as one opportunity for giving back to the ACNM. It is a CE session at the ACNM Annual Meeting presented by several Fellows and a highlights a current topic of interest to the membership. If you have any suggestions for a topic, please contact your FACNM Board of Governors Regional Representative.
Opportunities for Involvement
A Fellow’s responsibility is to help advance the organization, its membership, and the profession of midwifery. Opportunities include leadership and consultation as needed at the affiliate, state, and/or regional level. In addition, please consider the following:
Join a Fellows Committee. Here are the 2023-2024 committee co-chairs from the Fellows Board of Governors.
Please reach out to them directly:
– Anti-racism Committee – Sascha James-Conterelli, Linda McDaniel, and Susanrachel Condon
– Mentoring Committee – Heather FIndletar Hines and Kristen Ostrem-Niemcewicz
– Criteria Revisions Committee – Melissa Saftner and Nancy MacMorris-Adix
– Finance Committee – Suzan Ulrich and Susanrachel Condon
– Mentoring Committee – Kristen Ostrem-Niemcewicz and Heather Findletar Hines
– Annual Meeting Planning Committee (Fellows Talk, Induction Ceremony, New Fellows Orientation, Speed Mentoring Session, Website) – Sascha James-Conterelli, Heather Bradford, Heather Findletar Hines, Barbara Anderson, and Tammy Senn
– SROPs Task Force (reviewed during even-numbered years) – Beth Cooper and Laura Valle
Fellows are encouraged to consider speaking on a topic of interest at the Fellows’ Talk during the ACNM Annual Meeting. Please reach out to your FACNM Board of Governors Regional Representative if interested.
Fellows are encouraged to consider running for the FACNM Board of Governors. If interested, please reach out to the FACNM Nominating Committee to learn more about the varying roles and how to proceed. The BOG is committed to diversity and inclusion in its composition.
The BOG of the FACNM has executive, regional, governor-at-large, and nominating committee positions. Please check the BOG positions for when terms expire. The BOG and nominating positions are elected by the Fellows of the ACNM. Submit your name by December 1st for the election the following year which occurs prior to. March 15th.
Fellows are encouraged to reach out to prospective midwives who might meet criteria for ACNM Fellowship and suggest they apply. Please consider writing a letter of recommendation for their application and mentor them in the process.
Fellows are invited to serve as mentors to students and new midwives. Please reach out to Fellows Board of Governor members Kristen Ostrem-Niemcewicz, DNP, MSN, CNM, FNP-BC, FACNM and Heather Findletar Hines, DNP, CNM, FACNM to get involved.
Frequently Asked Questions for Prospective Fellows
How do I become a Fellow?
Each year, the FACNM BOG selects new Fellows-at-Large from applicants who self-nominate. Any CNM or CM who has been certified by AMCB, ACNM, or ACC for 5 years or longer at the time of application and is a current member of ACNM can apply. Please see the criteria for application.
There is no cost to apply for Fellowship. If an applicant is accepted into Fellowship, a fee of $125 will be collected for induction expenses.
A letter of recommendation from a current Fellow is optional.
If I am not accepted, can I apply more than once?
There is no limit to the number of times one can apply.
Is there a limit to the number of Fellows inducted every year?
No, if an applicant meets the criteria, they will be inducted into Fellowship.
Board of Governors

Sasha James-Conterelli
Chair (through 2025)

Linda Bergstrom
Vice Chair (term to 2027)

Nancy MacMorris-Adix
Secretary (through 2025)

Suzan Ulrich
Treasurer (through 2027)

Beth Cooper
Region I (through 2025)

Tammy Senn
Region II (through 2026)

Linda McDaniel
Region III (through 2025)

Elizabeth Quinkert
Region IV (through 2027)

Lisa Hanson
Region V (through 2027)

Kristen Ostrem-Niemcewicz
Region VI (through 2026)

Brenda Jackson
Region VII (through 2027)

Heather Findar Hines
Governor at Large (through 2027)

SusanRachel Condon
Governor at Large (through 2025)

Nominating Committee

Karen Feltham
(through 2025)

Carol Snapp
(through 2026)

Francis Sahrphillips
(through 2027)

Fellows Roster
Clicking on the year will take you to the corresponding Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health (JMWH) article
Kathlyn Albert, DNP, FNP-BC, CNM
Nicolle L. Arthun, BSN, RN, MSN, CNM
Jessica Bacon, CNM, MSN
Aleeca F. Bell PhD, CNM
Katie Daily, CNM, MSN
Laura Murphy Dellos ARNP, CNM, NCMP
Katherine Erbe, CNM, PhD, MS
Mari-Carmen Farmer, MSN, CNM, WHNP-BC
Denise Fryzelka, CNM, PhD
Eva Fried, CNM, DNP, WHNP
Linda George, CNM, MSN
L. Amy Giles, DNP, CNM, LSMC
Greta Gill, MSN, CNM
Nathan Guerette, CNM, FNP-C, MSN
Priscilla Hall, PhD, CNM
Nancy Harmon, CNM, MSN
Martha Harvey, MSN, CNM, OB/GYN NP
Melissa Hatter, CNM, PMH-C, MSN, RN
Michele A. Helgeson, CNM, DNP, MPH
Amelia Henning, MSN, CNM, IBCLC
Hayley Hoffman, CNM, IBCLC
Marianna Sarai Holland, DNP, CNM
Jennifer Kelley, CNM, MS
Katie Kivlighan, MS, PhD, CNM
Da’na M. Langford, CNM
Heidi Loomis, DM, CRNP, CNM
Shannon Maaske, MS, CNM
Emily Malloy, PhD, CNM, APNP
Ann McCarthy, MSN, CNM
Shelley McGrew, DNP, CNM
Colleen Moreno, DNP, CNM
Syrah Nicaisse, CNM
Sarah Obermeyer, PhD, CNM, WHNP-C, IBCLC, CNE
Luna Rodriguez, DNP, CNM, CCTP
Sharon Ruyak, CNM, PhD
Katie Schulz, CNM
Kathleen Scott, DNP, CNM
Laura Sheperis, MS, CM, RN
Kathrine Simon, DNP, APRN, CNM
Emily Slocum, DNP, CNM
Lori Swain, DNP, CNM
Sarah R. Weinstein, MN, CNM, IBCLC, PMH-C
Nicole Lynne Wheeler, DNP, CNM
Janet A. Williams, DNP, MSM, CNM
Jennifer Williams, CNM
Andrew Youmans, MSN, CNM, RN, AACC, FAWM
Tracy Abraham, CNM, DNP, APRN-FPA
Kirby Adlam, CNM, PhD, APRN-FPA
Tia Andrighetti, CNM, DNP, CNE, CHSE-A
Merrilynn Artman, CNM, MS
Jessica Bacon, CNM, MSN
Erin M. Baird, CNM, DNP, MBA, MS
Lana Bernat, CNM, DNP
Meg Berreth, CNM, MSN
Michele Burtner, CNM, MS, MPH, IBCLC
Jennifer Ceccardi, CNM, MSN, WHNP
Lena Antimonova Cerbone, CNM, MSN, APRN
Kristin H. Conrad, CNM, DNP
Hannah L. Diaz, CNM, DNP, APRN
Colleen Donovan-Batson, CNM, MS, WHNP
Deborah Anne Duran-Snell, CNM, PhD
Kim L. Flanders, CNM, DNP
Sara Friedman, CNM, MSN
Elizabeth Gabzdyl, CNM, DNP, ARNP
Lexi Garbus, CNM, MSN
Wendy R. Gibbons, CNM, DNP, MN
Nikia Grayson, CNM, DNP, MPH, MSN, MA, FNP-C
Lisa Marie Hachey, CNM, DNP, APRN
Whitney Hall, CM, MA, MS
Kathleen Harmon, CNM, APRN-FPA
Annemarie Heath, CNM, DNP, ACC
Bridget O. Howard, CNM, MSN
Abigail Howe-Heyman, CNM, PhD
Sue Hudson, CNM, MSN
Brenda Jackson, CNM, DNP, FNP
Noelle Jacobsen, CNM, DNP, APRN
Janet Kaplan, CNM, MN, MPH
Lisa Kiser, CNM, DNP, WHNP
Julie Knutson, CNM, DNP, WHNP, IBCLC
Elizabeth G. Korb, CNM, MSN
Katie Lavery, CNM, MS
Kelly Lemon, CNM, WHNP-BC
Kylea L. Liese, CNM, PhD
Breia Loft, CNM, MSN
Sheila Lopez, CNM, MSN
Amy MacDonald, CNM, MSN
Laurie MacLeod, CNM, MSN, RN, C-EFM, C-ONQS
Anjali Dhir Madeira, CNM, DNP, MPH
Penny R. Marzalik, CNM, PhD, APRN, IBCLC
Manola Annabella McCain, CNM, DNP, MSN
Sarah Meyer, CNM, MSN
Sue Nankin, CNM, DNP, WHNP
Paulomi Niles, CNM, PhD, MPH, LM
Jessica Olsen, CNM, DNP, WHNP-BC
Nicole K. Olshanski, CNM, DNP
Robin Jennifer Pass Tucker, CNM, MSN, WHNP-BC
Loral Patchen, CNM, PhD, IBCLC
Deanna Pilkenton, CNM, MSN
Elizabeth Ann Quinkert, CNM, MSN
Kari Radoff, CNM, MSN
Heather Ramsey, CNM, DNP
Frances Sahrphillips, CNM, MS
Maggie Schumacher, CNM
Thecly H. Scott, CNM, PhD, WHNP, FACHE
Karen Sheffield-Abdullah, CNM, PhD, MSN
Jodie Simms-MacLeod, CNM, FNP-C
Susan M. Skinner, CNM, MS, APRN, MBCPTc
Sunday W. Smith, CNM, MSN
Audrey Stedford, CNM, DNP, ANP-BC, CDE
Karie E Stewart, CNM, MPH, MSN
Deborah Stiffler, CNM, PhD, RN
Cindy Stippich, CNM, MSN
Leslie Ann Stroud, CNM, MSN
Jamie Swietlikowski, CNM, MS, WHNP
Karen Swift, CNM, ARNP, MSN
Tanya Tringali, CNM, MS
Tracy R. Webber, CNM, DNP, MPA
Julie A. Womack, CNM, PhD, FNP-BC
Michelle J. Zamudio, CNM, MSN
Photos & Bios
Sharon Adams, CNM, DNP, MS, APRN
Peggy Rosati Allen, CNM, WHNP-BC, MS
Lauren Anita Arrington, CNM, DNP, MSN
Catherine Badeaux, CNM, MS
Kathleen Michele Dowd Belzer, CNM, NP, MSN
Rebecca Benfield, CNM, PhD
Bayla Berkowitz, CNM, MSN
Abby Britt, CNM, MSN, MA
Lucinda Canty, CNM, PhD
Beth N. Carlson, CNM, MS
Erin Johnson Cole, CNM, DNP, WHNP-BC, NCMP
Winifred C. Connerton, CNM, PhD
Cathy Cook, CNM, DNP, ARNP
Jennifer A. Cook, CNM, DNP, FNP-C
Jessica Costa, CNM, MSN
Sabina Dambrauskas, CNM, MSN
Jessica Densmore, CNM, MSN
Katie DePalma, CNM, DNP, WHNP
K. Michelle Doyle, CNM, MSN
Michelle Drew, CNM, DNP, MPH, MSN, FNP-C
Sara Ellis Simonsen, CNM, PhD, MSPH
Christina Elmore, CNM
Dr. Erin Farah, CNM, PhD, IBCLC
Kendra Faucett, CNM, DNP, CNE
Meghan Garland, CNM, MSN
Kathleen Gater, CNM, MS
Leslie A. Gibson, CNM, MSN, FNP-BC
Amy Goh, CNM, MPhil, MSN
Amber Goodrich, CNM, MSN, ARNP
Helena Grant,CNM, MS, CICP
Zoe Gutterman, CNM, MPHN
Jamie Harrington, CNM, DNP, FNP-BC
Nena R. Harris, CNM, PhD, FNP-BC, CNE
M. Gabrielle Helfgott, CNM, DNP, NCMP
Eliza Holland, CNM, MSN
Jessica Holm, CNM, MSN, APRN
Nola Holness, CNM, PhD, APRN, ANP-C
Rhonda Renee Johnson, CNM, DNP, CNE
Karen Kelly, CM, MS
Monica Flanagan Ketchie, CNM, DNP, ANP
Julie O’Neill King, CNM, MSN
Kathleen Marie Utter King, CNM, PhD
Mary Dawn Koenig, CNM, PhD
Ann Kurth, CNM, PhD, MPH, FAAN
Jalana Lazar, CNM, MPH, MS, WHNP-BC
Rita Ledbetter, CNM, MSN, FPA
Susan Lewis, CNM, MSN
Rochel Lieberman, CM, MS
Jeneen Lomax, CNM, DNP, APRN
Catherine Luna, CNM, MSN
Candace Mabbitt, CNM, MSN, WHNP-BC
Christina X. Marea, CNM, PhD, MA, MSN
Karen McEvoy Shields, CNM, MSN
Beth G. McManis, CNM, PhD, MS
Michele Megregian, CNM, PhD
Laura Migliaccio, CNM, DNP
Whitney E. Miller, CNM, MSN, FNP
Eugenia Montesinos, CNM, MSN, WHNP
Helen Moose, CMN, MSN
Alisha C. Morgan, CNM, MSN
Elizabeth Muñoz, CNM, DNP
Lauren Narbey, CNM, MSN, MSc, WHNP-BC
Lisa Miyako Noguchi, CNM, PhD
Signey Olson, CNM, DNP, WHNP-BC
Pamela Pearson, CNM, DNP, MSN
Audrey J. Perry, CNM, DNP, CNE
C. Shannon Pfingstag, CNM, DNP
Dolores Polito, CNM, DNP
Paul Quinn, CNM, PhD, RN-BC, NEA-BC, CEN, CCRN
Kaleen Richards, CNM, MSN, APRN
Katherine Rushfirth, CNM, MSN
Bethany Sanders, CNM, MSN
Katherine Schott, CNM, DNP, MS
Julia Seng, CNM, PhD, FAAN
Tammy Senn, CNM, MSN, WHNP-BC, CSC
MaryLou Smith, CNM, MSN
Carol Snapp, CNM, DNSc
Ellen Chaney Solis, CNM, DNP
Sydney A. Spangler, CNM, PhD, MSN
Laura Sundstrom, CNM, MSN
Moira Tannenbaum, CNM, MSN, IBCLC, LCCE, CCHP
Kai Tao, CNM, ND, MPH
Laura J. Valle, CNM, DNP, NCMP
Jennifer Vanderlaan, CNM, PhD, MPH
Julie Ann Vingers, CNM, PhD, APRN
Rebecca J. Wagschal, CNM, DNP, WHNP
Stephanie Welsh, CNM, DNP
Amanda Williams, CNM, MSN
Rhea Williams, CNM
Jane Wrede, CNM, PhD, APRN
Jocelyn Yale, CNM, DNP, WHNP
Photos and Bios
Lauren Abrams
Molly Altman
Elizabeth (Betsy) Arnold-Leahy
Susanrachel Balber-Condon
L. Kim Baraona
Donna Barisich
Julie Blumenfeld
Carolyn Bottone-Post
Suzanne Carrington
Linda Karen Church
Emma Clark
Lee S. Clay
Susanna R. Cohen
Lastascia Coleman
Joan L. Combellick
Elizabeth Cook
Jeanann Sousou Coppola
Barbara Davenport
Melissa G. Davis
Stephanie Devane-Johnson
Meghan Eagen-Torkko
Simon Adriane Ellis
Jessica Ann Ellis
Elise N. Erickson
Melicia Escobar
Christina Felten
Kate T. Finn
Brooke A. Flinders
Diane Folk
Gwendolyn A. Foster
Mary Franklin
Kimberly Garcia
Tamara Joy Gardner
Ami L. Goldstein
Cathy Gordon
Patricia Hanson
Beth Helme-Smith
Susan J. Hernandez
Kathy S. Higgins
Carol Hirschfield
Karen Johnson Feltham
Theresa Kouadio
Ann Konkoly
Dianna E. Kristeller
Rochelle Lipshutz
Phyllis Lynn
Nancy MacMorris-Adix
Laura Manns-James
Linda R. McDaniel
Emily C. McGahey
Amanda McPherson Shafton
Shaunti Meyer
Alexandra Michel
LaVonne M. Moore
Jeremy L. Neal
Emily Neiman
Nancy A. Niemczyk
Robin L. Page
Komkwuan P. Paruchabutr
Deborah K. Price
Krysta Ramirez Henry
Gayle L. Riedmann
Karen Robinson
Susan Rooks
Lee Roosevelt
Tonja M. A. Santos
Ann M. Schaeffer
Judith M. Schlaeger
Nicole L. Sczekan
Roseanne Seminara
Holly Smith
Denise C. Smith
Venus Standard
Kristin Stovern
Margaret C. Taylor
Joanne S. Tennyson
E. Brie Thumm
Stephanie Tillman
Kim Updegrove
Shaughanassee Vines
Diane Bohn
Carol Bues
Erin Callahan
Martha Carter
Anne Cockerham
Jennifer Demma
Mary Ellen Doherty
Alexis Dunn
Sara Edwards
Kathy Herron
Jennifer Hensley
Jeanne Jacobwitz
Elizabeth Jenkins
Karen Katz
Nancy Loomis
Erin McMahon
Erin Morelli
Priscilla Nodine
Elizabeth Nutter
Felina Ortiz
Mary Paterno
Karen Perdion
Amy Romano
Beth Ross
Robyn Schafer
Elle Annalise Schnetzler
Sarah Smith
Michelle Telfer
Suzanne Wertman
Kate Woeber
Deborah Woolley
Erin Biscone
Mary Ellen Bouchard
Pennie Sessler Branden
Nancy Brannin
Christie Bryant
Nicole Carlson
Desireé Clement
Celina Cunanan
Michelle Dynes
Diana Dowdy
Elois Edge
Karen Grace
Barbara Hackley
Sally Hersh
Margaret Holcomb
Jenna LoGuidice
Ebony Marcelle
Katrina Nardini
Kristen Ostrem-Niemcewicz
Katie Page
Bonita Shviraga
Ellen Tilden
Kelly Walker
Judith Wika
Karline Wilson-Mitchell
Erin Wright
Jennifer Woo
Susan Altman
Angela Michele Anderson
Jessica Anderson
Jeanne Bair
Kathleen Brown
Jessica Brumley
Rebecca Burpo
Cara Busenhart
Thomas Chappell
Robin Churchill
Linda Cole
Kim Dau
Kathleen Dermady
Cathy Emeis
Debra Erickson-Owens
Rebecca Fay
Katharine Green
Pandora Hardtman
Carol Hayes
Elizabeth Hill-Karbowski
Heather Findletar Hines
Jane Houston
Joyce Hyatt
Sascha James-Conterelli
Laura Jenson
Christina Kocis
Judy Lazarus
Maryann Long
Leilani Mason
Mary Kay Miller
Charlotte Morris
Jeanne Murphy
Amy Nacht
Gina Novick
Cynthia Nypaver
Patricia Olenick
Michelle Palmer
Elisa L. Patterson
Katherine Puls
Eileen Thrower
Kimberly Trout
Cheri Van Hoover
C. Nicole Wardlaw
Jill Alliman
Rebecca Bagley
Margaret Beal
Ruth Boone
Debora Dole
Kate Fouquier
Sherilyn Gibbs
Jennifer Jagger Kaesar
Karen Jefferson
Lucia Jenkusky
Maria Christina Johnson
Ira Kantrowitz-Gordon
Susan Krause
Mayri Leslie
Carrie Neerland
Ann Forster Page
Dana Perlman
Lesley Rathbun
Pamela Reis
Melissa Saftner
Melanie Sumersille
Kathleen J. Bailey
Eileen Ehudin Beard
Phyllis Ann Clark
Heather M. Clarke
Anne M Corrinet
Kim J. Cox
Nivia Nieves Fisch
Diana R. Jolles
MaryJane Lewitt
Michael M. McCann
Ruth Mielke
Kathleen A. Moriarty
Michelle Munroe
Leissa Roberts
Mairi Breen Rothman
Nicole Anne Rouhana
Kim Patricia Shaughnessy
Tanya Tanner
Nell Tharpe
Melissa Ann Willmarth-Stec
Laura Zeidenstein
Tanya Bailey
Patricia Burkhardt
Victoria H. Burslem
Michelle Rene Collins
Connie Dewees
Michelle Grandy
Milree Keeling
Julia Lange Kessler
Gwen Amber Latendresse
Elaine M. Moore
Whitney Ann Pinger
Connie Swentek
Ruth E. Zielinski
Mary Carol Akers
Sharon M. Bond
Cynthia Bullock Flynn
Ilene Gelbaum
Mamie Guidera
Linda Hunter
Deborah Brandt Karsnitz
Carrie S. Klima
Lonnie C. Morris
Linda Nanni
Julia C. Phillippi
Catherine Moore Salam
Maria Valentin-Welch
Angela M. Wilson-Liverman
Susan M. Yount
Mary Kaye Collins
Candace Curlee
Elisabeth Howard
Robin Jordan
Karol Ann Krakauer
Kathryn Osborne
Barbara Reale
Linda Bergstrom
Heather Bradford
Joyce M. Brewer
Mary Ann Faucher
Jennifer Whitman Foster
Marie Hastings-Tolsma
Cecilia M. Jevitt
R. Rima Jolivet
Mavis N. Schorn
Suzanne Stalls
Diana Beck
Jane Dyer
Lynne Himmelreich
Fraces E. Likis
Jody R. Lori
Vivian Lowenstein
Barbara McFarlin
Patricia Lee Riley
Maureen Theresa Shannon
Saraswathi Vedam
Terri Patrice Clark
Barbara Fildes
Cara J. Krulewitch
Mary Kathleen (Kate) McHugh
Nancy Jo Reedy**
Valerie A. Roe
Joan Slager
Susan Rutledge Stapleton
Jacquelynn Tillett
Suzan Ulrich
Deborah Armbruster
Karen A. Baldwin
Katherine L. Dawley
Angela Deneris
Lauren P. Hunter
Aleida Llanes-Oberstein
Lisa Summers
M. Elyse (Lisa) Veach
Catherine A. Carr
Margaret-Ann Corbett
Ellen Craig
Juliana van Olphen Fehr
Jackie Gruer
Kathryn Shisler Harrod
Debbie J. Jessup
MaryAnne F. Laffin
Cheryl J. Moran
Lynn M. Sibley
Betty (B.J.) Snell
Susan Elizabeth Stone
Lynette Ament
Alice Bailes
Leslie Cragin
Cynthia Farley
Victoria Fletcher
Tekoa King**
Phyllis Leppert*
Amy Jo Levi
Ronnie Sue Lichtman
Shirley Okrent*
Roberta Poirier
Kerri Schuiling
Claire Westdahl
Karen Allen
Mabel Forde*
Elaine Germano
Theresa Gesse
Marcella T. Hickey
Janice Keller Kvale
Nancy K. Lowe**
William F. McCool
Christine Nuger
Mary Ellen Rousseau
Donna Vivio
Patricia Boone
Ginger Breedlove
Grace Allman Burke
Nancy Sue Henson Clark
Barbara W. Graves
Barbara Hughes
Joanne T. Leck
Lisa Kane Low
Jane E. Mashburn
Jean W. Tease*
Frances T. Thacher**
Deborah Walker
Linda Walsh
Royda Ballard
Janet Engstrom
Nancy Fleming
Margaret Gallen*
Dorothy R. Gilbert*
Sister Marie Emmeline Ladd
Kathleen Martin
Marion Farrell McCartney
Carol Milligan*
Suzanne M. Smith
Wendy L. Valhoff
Leona VandeVusse
Sally Yeomans*
Melissa Avery
Diane Boyer
Jerrilyn Hobdy
Susan Huser
Peter Johnson
Katherine Kendall*
Ruth May
Elaine Mielcarski
Lois Olsen*
Janice SackOry
Pamela Spry
Nancy Sullivan
Edith Wonnell*
Mary Brucker**
Terry Capton-Snell*
Cathy Collins-Fulea
Charlotte Houde-Quimby
Marsha Jackson
Kathleen Keleher
Mazel Lindo**
Phyllis Long
Ellen Martin
Linda May*
Doris E. Reid**
Sharon Schindler Rising*
Jo-Anna Rorie
Kay Sedler
Sally Tom
Leah Albers**
Mary Bidgood-Wilson
Susan DeJoy
Constance Manning Derrell*
Elaine Diegmann
Jan M. Kriebs
Gabriela Olivera*
Ruth Payton
Barbara Petersen
Heather Reynolds
Asoka Roy*
Shirley White-Walker
Jayne DeClue Wiggins*
Diane Angelini
Mary Barger
Deborah Bash
Ruth Coates Beeman*
Elizabeth Berryhill*
Johanna Borsellega
Charlotte (Pixie) Elsberry
Betty Hilliard*
Rita Kroska*
Irene Sandvold**
Gwendolyn Spears
Deanne Williams
Barbara Brennan
Katherine Camacho Carr*
Sarah Dillian Cohn
Elizabeth Cooper
Margaret Craig
Barbara Decker
Alice Forman**
Joyce Cameron Foster*
Myrtle Elizabeth Hosford*
Carol Howe
Jeanne McDermott
Mary Ellen Stanton**
Minta Uzodinma
Elizabeth Bear**
Nancy Bolles
Helen Varney Burst**
Betty Watts Carrington**
Carmela Cavero**
Colleen Conway-Welch
Carolyn Curtis
Sandra J. Dietrich**
Eunice K. M. (Kitty) Ernst**
Judith Fullerton**
Lily Hsia**
Armentia Tripp Jarrett**
Vera Keane**
Maureen Kelley
Ann Koontz
Dorothea Lang**
Ruth Watson Lubic**
Teresa Marchese
Margaret Ann Marshall
Teresa Marsico**
Judith Melson-Mercer**
Sister Jeanne M. Meurer**
Joanne Middleton
Sister Angela Murdaugh**
Lisa Paine**
Bonnie Pedersen**
Joyce Roberts**
Judith Rooks*
Lillian Runnerstrom*
Anne Scupholme
Mary Ann Shah**
Elizabeth Sharp**
Sister Catherine Shean**
Mary T. Shean**
Sister Mary Stella Simpson**
Margaret Ann Taylor
Joyce Thompson**
Patricia Urbanus
Ernestine Wiedenbach**
Susan Atwood Yates**
History of the Fellow talk
May 2023: The Fellows' Talk: Finding Voice, Implementing Change
Moderators: Alexis Dunn Amore, PhD, CNM, FACNM, FAAN and Heather Bradford, PhD, CNM, FACNM
Panelists: Nikia Grayson, DNP, MPH, CNM, FNP-C, Stephanie Tillman, CNM, FACNM, Lucinda Canty, PhD, CNM, FACNM
Many midwives have taken an idea from vision to implementation and effected a dramatic improvement in the delivery of reproductive and gynecologic care through innovative pathways. What did it take to get there? This session will highlight three midwives who, through their dynamic innovation and determination, have advanced midwifery and improved the delivery of health care and health outcomes. Nikia Grayson’s implementation of feminist methodology and reproductive justice principles has transformed her clinic into a model of excellence. Choices is a safe space created by and for underserved and marginalized communities in Memphis, TN. Stephanie Tillman blogs under the name Feminist Midwife, and through that platform and other venues, seeks to interact with health care providers and consumers in conversations about consent in health provision, queer care, sex positivity, nurses and advanced practice clinicians in abortion care, and trauma-informed frameworks. Lucinda Canty created Lucinda’s House, which was developed to create environments where women of color feel safe, and supported, and can become an active part in eliminating structural barriers to improve their overall health and well-being. Her research focuses on creating safe spaces for Black women in healthcare and addressing racism in nursing and healthcare.
May 2022: The Fellows' Talk: Taking it to the Next Level - Going Beyond Talk to Action
Moderator: Pandora Hardtman, DNP, CNM, FACNM, FAAN
Panelists: Alexis Dunn Amore, PhD, CNM, FACNM, FAAN Heather Findletar Hines, DNP, CNM, FACNM, Lisa Noguchi, PhD, CNM, FACNM
This Fellows Talk is a follow-up to last year’s virtual panel discussion, with Fellows from historically-marginalized groups discussing their intimate experience of their lived journey through ACNM membership and their pathway to Fellowship. The purpose of this year’s discussion is a call to expand from talk to actionable steps that present and future midwives of all identities can utilize in their own journey to fellowship.
May 2021: The Fellows' Talk: Beyond the Light of Day - Addressing Racism in ACNM Fellowship
Moderator: Suzanne Wertman, CNM, MSN, FACNM
Panelists: Sascha James-Conterelli, DNP, CNM, LM, FACNM, Kim Dau, CNM, FACNM, Alexis “Lexi” Dunn Amore, PhD, CNM, FACNM
The ACNM Fellows Board of Governors have made a commitment to tell the truth about our history of racism in midwifery and the path to Fellowship, and move toward reconciliation with our actions. The presenters see the Fellows Talk as a vehicle to support the beginnings of the process of truth and reconciliation through presentation of factual history of racism in midwifery and ACNM, individual stories, and next steps to removing structural and systemic racist barriers to becoming a Fellow. This is an ongoing process, and and the presentation will include lessons learned and opportunities for change. The material presented in this session will have implications for every aspect of life as a midwife but in particular leadership in the profession, in ACNM, and ACNM Fellowship.
May 2020: The Fellows' Talk: Midwives Mentoring Midwives
Moderators: Heather Bradford, CNM, ARNP, FACNM
Panelists: Ginger Breedlove, PhD, CNM, FACNM, FAAN, Yuliya Labko, MSN, CNM, Heather Hines, CNM, DNP, FACNM, Amber Peasley, CNM, FNP
Many challenges in midwifery advancement exist within the practice and professional environment, such as bullying in the workplace, barriers to autonomous practice, lack of diversity in leadership, and uncertainty as to how to attain leadership positions within ACNM. Although one to one mentoring in professional leadership development is different than mentoring midwives’ entrée into practice, principles that lead to successful mentoring are similar. The Fellows of ACNM recently initiated a formal mentorship program in conjunction with the Students and New Midwives Committee, offering a mentorship program between Fellows and midwifery students and new midwives. Panel members will discuss successful mentoring strategies that play an important role in meeting mentee goals, developing mentee leadership skills and encouraging aspiration to leadership roles in the professional organization. Mentors will receive guidance on establishing and maintaining a satisfying mentor-mentee relationship. The focus of this session will be on providing skills for a successful relationship for both the mentor and mentee and is designed for all conference attendees, not just those seeking a mentor.
May 2019: The Fellows' Talk: Innovations in Midwifery Practice
Moderators: Heather Bradford, CNM, ARNP, FACNM, Mavis Schorn, CNM, PhD, CNE, FACNM
Panelists: Alice Bailes, CNM, MSN, FACNM, Marsha Jackson, CNM, MSN, FACNM, Ruth Watson Lubic, CNM, EdD, FAAN, FACNM, Sharon Schindler Rising, CNM, MSN, FACNM
Many midwives have taken an idea from vision to implementation and effected dramatic improvement in the delivery of health care for women and their families. What did it take to get there? This session will highlight five midwives who, through their dynamic innovation and determination, have improved maternal and child health outcomes through changing birth practices across the U.S. The Fellows Panel will include: Sharon Rising Shindler and the Centering Pregnancy prenatal care model; and Ruth Lubic, Marsha Jackson, and Alice Bailes and the use of birth centers to improve maternal and infant morbidity and mortality among low-income women. Strategies to overcome barriers to change will be identified to help inspire and generate more disruptive innovators in midwifery care.
May 2018: The Fellows' Talk: Midwives in Politics - Leaders Making Change
Moderators: Heather Bradford, CNM, ARNP, FACNM, Kate Harrod, PhD, CNM, APNP, FACNM
Panelists: Cheri Van Hoover, CNM, MS, FACNM and Debbie Jessup, CNM, PhD, FACNM
In today’s health care climate, it is crucial for midwives to have a seat at the policy table in order to advocate for women and their families. With the goal of growing more politically-active midwives, two leaders in politics and political action, Cheri Van Hoover and Debbie Jessup, will share their career experiences, political motivations, and aspirations for change. Strategies to engage in political races and policy work will be reviewed. Debbie Jessup, CNM, PhD, FACNM has over 30 years of experience in midwifery, women’s health and health policy. Since 2005, she has been employed as a Health Policy Advisor in the office of U.S. Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CA). In that position, she has been actively engaged in health appropriations work as well as helping the Congresswoman to develop and pass several pieces of key health care legislation. Cheri Van Hoover, CNM, MS, is running in November 2017 for Jefferson County Hospital District Commissioner in Washington state. This is her first time seeking political office.
May 2017: The Fellows' Talk: Clinical Practice Outside the Box
Moderators: Heather Bradford, CNM, ARNP, FACNM, Kate Harrod, PhD, CNM, APNP, FACNM
Panelists: Elisabeth Howard, CNM, PhD, FACNM and Susan DeJoy, CNM, PhD, FACNM
With increasing clinical practice demands and a greater emphasis on physiologic birth, maternity care providers are seeking new systems of care that focus on time efficiency, safety, and quality. These new systems include midwives as part of the solution. This panel of ACNM Fellows will highlight their alternative clinical roles that differ from traditional midwifery practice. These include: providing care to incarcerated women; the midwife role in obstetric triage; and functioning as a laborist/obstetric hospitalist. Panelists will discuss their challenges in program development as well as the effects of their clinical work on provider workload, patient satisfaction, and birth outcomes. Strategies and resources for development of these non-traditional clinical roles will be reviewed.
May 2016: The Fellows' Talk: Overcoming Adversity as a Midwife of Color
Moderators: Cindy Farley, CNM, PhD, FACNM and Heather Bradford, CNM, FACNM
Panelists: Maria Valentin-Welch DNP, CNM, MPH, FACNM, Nicolle Gonzales, CNM, MSN, and Carolyn Curtis, CNM, FACNM
In order to enhance diversity and inclusion in the midwifery work force and foster social justice, we need to understand the challenges that midwives from various racial and ethnic backgrounds face in becoming midwives and in practicing midwifery. Our panel of ACNM Fellows from African-American and Latina cultures will share their trials and triumphs encountered during their midwifery careers. Strategies will be discussed to help grow the population of midwives of varying racial and ethnic backgrounds, as well as help midwives and midwifery students better understand how they can promote racial equality and social justice in their workplace and communities they serve.
May 2015: The Fellows' Talk: Our History - Moments in Time!
Moderator: Jerri Hobdy, CNM, FACNM
Helen Varney Burst, CNM, MSN, DHL (Hon), FACNM and Joyce (Beebe) Thompson, DRPH, RN, CNM, FAAN, FACNM
Abstract: The purpose of this session is to have a panel of our Fellows who currently are writing the History of ACNM and who are Past Presidents of the ACNM who will bring stories of the College during different historical times over the past 60 years in Celebration of our 60th Anniversary. The panelist will speak about the significant twists and turns in the history of the ACNM and some of their own Personal Moments in Time. This session has been developed by the FACNM Mentoring Task Force in an effort to have a visible and active role in mentoring midwives.
June 2013: The Fellows' Talk: Making Choices in Your Early Years to Create a Long Midwifery Career!
Moderator: Jerri Hobdy, CNM, FACNM
Panelists: Francie Likis, DrPh, NP, CNM, FACNM;Heather Bradford, CNM, MSN, FACNM, Lisa Kane Low, PhD, RN, CNM, FACNM
The purpose of this session is to have a panel of our newer/younger ACNM Fellows discuss their career choices and their experiences with trying to find balance in their professional and personal lives. The panel will bring stories from their journeys in midwifery – the good, the bad and the ugly – along with suggestions for how to plan early in your career to stay alive in midwifery throughout the years! This session has been developed by the FACNM Mentoring Task Force in an effort to have a visible and active role in mentoring midwives.
June 2012: The Fellows' Talk: Staying Alive in Midwifery Through the Years
Moderator: Jerri Hobdy, CNM, FACNM
Panelists: Elaine Diegmann, CNM, MEd, ND, FACNM; Heather Bradford, CNM, MSN, FACNM; Larraine Guyette, CNM, PhD, RN, FACNM
Abstract: The purpose of this session is to have a panel of ACNM Fellows, with senior/sage midwives and a young ‘whippersnapper’ winner of the Kitty Ernst award, to bring their experience and expertise in how to continue in your midwifery career through the years. They will tell their stories of their own experiences of their journey in midwifery; how to balance midwifery in their lives for a long career; and how to stay alive in midwifery from the perspective of 10+ years out to 35+ years! This session has been developed by the FACNM Mentoring Task Force in an effort to have a visible and active role in mentoring midwives. The panel will bring their stories – the good, the bad and the ugly for how to stay alive in midwifery throughout the years!
May 2011: The Fellows' Talk: Keeping the Vision. Following a Vision in Midwifery
Moderator: Jerri Hobdy, CNM, FACNM
Panelists: Ellen Craig, CNM, MS, FACNM; Sharon Schindler Rising, CNM, MSN, FACNM
Abstract: The purpose of this session is to have a panel of ACNM Fellows to bring their experience and expertise in how they found themselves in the situation of following a vision in midwifery, sometimes from an unexpected position when you just have to rise to the occasion! They will tell their stories of their own experiences for discussion of past and present issues, so that other midwives can use these experiences in their own work and in planning for future visions for midwifery. This session has been developed by the FACNM Mentoring Task Force in an effort to have a visible and active role in mentoring midwives. The panel will bring their stories – the good, the bad and the ugly. The Fellows panel includes expertise in the following: centering pregnancy, clinical practice innovations, midwifery history, midwifery education (starting an independent midwifery school associated with a school of science & health), research, publication, & contributions to ACNM at all levels.
June 2010: The Fellows' Talk: Our International Experience. What Can We Do To Help You.
Moderator: Jerri Hobdy, CNM, FACNM
Panelists: Joyce Thompson, DrPH, CNM, FAAN, FACNM; Sandra Buffington, CNM, PNP, BS, MPH, FACNM; Mary Ellen Stanton, MSN, CNM, FACNM.
May 2009: The Fellows' Talk: We've Been There and Done That! What Can We Do To Help You.
Moderator: Jerri Hobdy, CNM, FACNM
Panelists: Ruth Lubic, CNM, EdD, FAAN, FACNM; Sr. Angela Murdaugh, CNM, MS, FACNM; Marion McCartney, CNM, MS, FACNM; Holly Kennedy, CNM, FNP, PHD, FACNM, FAAN.