Governance and Bylaws


First adopted in 1955, the ACNM Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws are the guiding documents which define the structure and function of all areas of the organization. The ACNM Bylaws Committee reviews all proposed changes to ACNM and ACNM Affiliate bylaws, as well as Standing Rules of Procedure (SROPs) for the volunteer structure of ACNM (divisions, committees, task forces, and caucuses). Upon their review, the committee makes a recommendation to the Board of Directors for approval.

Please send any inquiries or comments about ACNM Bylaws to Bylaws Committee Chair, Alexandra Michel

Governance Policies

Beginning in 2008, the IRS form 990 (the non-profit tax return) requires non-profit organizations to report whether certain written policies and documentation is in place. ACNM requires that all volunteer leadership familiarize themselves with all of the policies below and sign the Leadership Guidelines of Ethical Conduct and the Policy Acknowledgement Form annually to address this section of the 990. The following policies have been adopted by the ACNM national organization.


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