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A Message from the Standards for the Practice of Midwifery Task Force

September 19, 2022

The ACNM Board of Directors convened a Task Force in Fall 2021 to update the Standards for the Practice of Midwifery which had not been reviewed since 2011. After 1 year, 10 meetings, and multiple iterations, we present a renewed Standards for the Practice of Midwifery. The midwifery profession has grown and matured in the last decade, and more states have licensed midwives with independent practice and the ability to practice to the top of our education and scope.

The document was reorganized and streamlined. One major change is the removal of clinical practice guidelines (CPG) language. A stated requirement for CPGs does not appear in any other Standards language for U.S. providers that the Task Force reviewed (NP, MD, DO). Moreover, CPGs are frequently used to justify physician supervision. In its place now is language around evidence-informed practice, shared decision-making, and the hallmarks of midwifery, along with references to other ACNM standard-bearing documents. The Taskforce believes that this is more than adequate to allow states to create regulations that will assist in protecting the public. Certified nurse-midwives and certified midwives will continue to practice according to up-to-date quality standards.

We would like to thank everyone who took the time to provide input, feedback and participate in this revision, especially our Standards for the Practice of Midwifery Taskforce members: Lauren A. Arrington, DNP, CNM, Tanya Belcheff, DNP, CNM, Amanda Boys, CNM, WHNP, Grace Buezis, MPH, MSN, CNM, Michelle Renee’ Collins, PhD, CNM, RNC-EFM, FACNM, FAAN, FNAP, Jessica A. Ellis PhD, CNM?, Cathy L. Emeis PhD, FACNM, CNM, LCCE, FACCE, Diane M. Folk, DNP, CNM, NP, FACNM, Julia Lange Kessler, DNP, CM, FACNM, Rita Ledbetter, MSN, CNM, Angelita Nixon, CNM, FACNM, Michelle O’Grady, DNP, CNM, Audrey Perry DNP, CNM, CNE, and Marian Seliquini, MS, CM. We also thank additional reviewers: Michelle Drew, DNP, MPH, DNM, Helena Grant, MS, CNM, LM, CICP, Jennifer Demma, MSN, APRN-CNM, FACNM, Felina Ortiz, DNP, CNM, FACNM, Katie Lavery, MS, CNM, Nichole Wardlaw, DNP, CNM, and Karen Jefferson, DM, CM, FACNM.

ACNM is committed to currency and relevance in its Standard Setting Documents. This document accepted by the BOD in 2022 will be scheduled for review again in five years.
Jeanne Murphy, PhD, CNM, CPH, FACNM
Taskforce Chair

Heather Clarke, DNP, LM, CNM, APRN, FACNM
President, ACNM

American College of Nurse-Midwives
409 12th St SW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20024-2188
Phone: 240.485.1800
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