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Workshops and Education Sessions

Education Sessions

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WK01 Learning to Read Ultrasound Images

Wednesday, May 29, 8:00am - 4:00pm

CEUs: 0.7

Presented by: Cydney Afriat Menihan, CNM, MSN, RDMS; Anthony Lathrop, CNM, MSN, PhD, RDMS; Betty Kay Taylor, CNM, MSN, RDMS

Summary: This didactic workshop has been designed to provide midwives with the necessary foundation for performing and interpreting ultrasound exams. Topics include: images acquisition, fetal anatomic ultrasound landmarks for biometry, assessment of fetal well being (BPP and AFI), as well as image interpretation practice session. THERE WILL BE NO HANDS-ON PRACTICE.

WK02 Vacuum Assisted Birth in Midwifery Practice

Wednesday, May 29, 8:00am - 4:00pm

CEUs: 0.7

Presented by: Phyllis Ann Clark, CNM, MPH

Summary: Assisting birth with a vacuum extractor is an advanced practice skill not included in basic midwifery education programs. It is not indicated for all practice settings or for all midwife providers. While vacuum assisted birth can be life saving and brain sparing for the baby and prevent unnecessary cesarean section for the mother, it is an operative delivery with attendant risks and increased liability for the midwife if there is less than an optimal outcome. This workshop is designed to assist the midwife to utilize the ACNM publication Vacuum Assisted Birth in Midwifery Practice to determine whether or not it is appropriate to incorporate vacuum assisted delivery into her practice. The workshop will give the midwife the opportunity for simulated practice of the skill, but certification of competency will require additional supervised practice in the clinical setting as determined by her collaborating physician(s) and the hospital where she practices that must grant her privileges to perform vacuum extraction. A short review of the mechanism of labor will be followed by an overview of the history and principles of the vacuum extractor, a review of the literature to assist in determining practice guidelines, and a summary of risk management issues. Factors needed to evaluate the appropriateness of midwifery use of the vacuum in the clinical setting and how to implement the additional skill into practice will be addressed. After demonstration, participants will practice the procedure in small groups using vacuum extractors with grapefruit, then with baby and pelvis models. A process for educating midwives to perform this procedure will be introduced and methods of evaluating the competency of midwives using a skill evaluation tool will be discussed. Fee for the workshop includes the ACNM publication Vacuum Assisted Birth in Midwifery Practice.

WK03 ACNM Full Day Exam Prep Content Review Course (Day 1)

Wednesday, May 29, 8:00am - 4:00pm

Presented by: Melissa Ann Willmarth, DNP, CNM; Nicole T. Lassiter, CNM, MSN, WHNP; Cara A. Busenhart, RN, CNM, MSN; Alisha Coffey-Morgan, MSN, CNM, ARNP; Susan Yount, PhD, CNM, WHNP-BC; Julie Paul, DNP, CNM; Lynneece Rooney, MSN, CNM

Summary: This two day workshop will provide students and new graduates an opportunity for exam preparation. Day one will focus on the content covered by the AMCB certification exam. Experts in each topic will give students an overview of the content with an opportunity to begin formulating a plan of study. Day two will explore interactive case studies and practice questions on the main topical areas for the AMCB midwifery examination. Students can register for one or both days. At the conclusion of the sessions, students will have completed an individualized plan for continuing review.

WK04 Scar Tissue Remediation: Techniques and Pearls of Practice for Midwives

Wednesday, May 29, 8:00am - 4:00pm

CEUs: 0.7

Presented by: Sarah Shealy, CNM, IBCLC; Ellen Heed

Summary: Scar tissue caused by birth or surgical trauma is debilitating for many women. Both c-sections and vaginal deliveries can be followed by chronic pain, limited mobility, lack of normal sexual function all related to scar tissue. This workshop day will include an in depth review of the bio-dynamics of scar tissue and an introduction to simple techniques midwives can incorporate into their practice to help increase the resiliency of scar tissue. Practical hands on techniques will be taught and participants may choose their level of interaction.

WK06 Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics (ALSO) Provider Course - 3 Day Course

Tuesday, May 28, 12:00pm-4:00pm

Wednesday, May 29, 8:00am - 4:00pm

Thursday, May 30, 8:00am-12:00pm

CEUs: 1.3

Presented by: Larry Leeman, MD (Co-chair); Helen Welch, CNM (Co-chair); Kim Dowat, CNM; Robert Gobbo, MD, FAAFP; David Gregory, MD, FAAFP; Sally Hersh, MSN, CNM; Valerie King, MD, MPH, FAAFP; Rebecca Leeman, CNM; Carl Olden, MD, FAAFP; Janice Taleff, CNM; Alice Taylor, CNM; Ellen Tilden, CNM

Summary: The Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics (ALSO) program helps maternity care providers develop the knowledge and skills needed to manage potential emergencies during the perinatal period. With pre-course syllabus reading and minimal lecture time, this course offers an interactive learning environment utilizing pelvic mannequins and other appropriate medical equipment. Evidence-based, hands-on skill/team building is what sets the ALSO Program above other maternity care programs. Participants will obtain five-year ALSO status after successful completion of the written test and megadelivery testing station. Space is limited to 60 participants. Registration fee:$500. Participants must attend all three days.

WK07 Birth simulation in midwifery education: Bringing low incidence emergencies to life

Thursday, May 30, 8:30am - 12:00pm

CEUs: 0.35

Presented by: Melissa D. Avery, PhD, CNM, FACNM; Jane Lindsay Miller, PhD; Karen Larson, MS, CNM

Summary: Although promoting and teaching normal birth is central to midwifery education, complications requiring rapid response and effective management do occur. Students need opportunities to learn the process for recognizing and managing specific emergency situations as well as the appropriate hand skills. Postpartum hemorrhage and shoulder dystocia are examples of situations that students study and may not have a chance to manage independently during their education program. In this workshop we will share scenarios developed for these two important complications and describe how simulations using task trainers and live standardized patients were integrated into a midwifery education program. Data from student evaluations of the scenarios will be presented. The workshop will provide participants with an opportunity to experience the actual simulated emergency in a simulation center.


WK08 Preparing the Future: ACNM Annual Preceptor Workshop

Wednesday, May 29, 8:30am - 12:00pm

CEUs: 0.35 Pharmacology Hours: 3.5

Presented by: Aggie Hoeger, DNP, CNM; Judy Lazarus, MSN, CNM, ARNP

Summary: Clinical preceptors play a vital role in the education of nurse midwifery students. As a profession, we need a large and available pool of preceptors to help prepare our next generation of nurse midwives. This annual preceptor workshop, sponsored by the Preceptor Development and Support Committee, is directed to both the novice and the experienced preceptor. This half day workshop will address pertinent topics from "working with students in a busy clinic day" to "inspiring our partners to become preceptors". The presentation will include resources for preceptors and opportunities to share and practice precepting skills.

WK09 Evaluation and Management of Pelvic Pain Disorders

Wednesday, May 29, 8:30am - 12:00pm

CEUs: 0.35 Pharmacology Hours: 3.5

Presented by: Amy Hull, NP, MS

Summary: Discussion will focus on the causes of chronic pelvic pain (CPP), specifically interstitial cystitis, irritable bowel syndrome, vulvodynia, and the myofascial pain syndrome, levator ani spasm syndrome. Information will be provided regarding the detailed history and physical examination for CPP. Models and video presentation will be utilized to enhance the education and learning process. Anatomy of the pelvic floor will be presented to enhance the attendee's understanding of the pelvic floor.

WK10 Complementary Alternative Modalities in Women's Health: New Directions

Wednesday, May 29, 8:30am - 12:00pm

CEUs: 0.35

Presented by: Leslie Reed, RN, MSN, HCNS, AHN-BC

Summary: This half day workshop focuses on Complementary Alternative Modalities (CAM) and how these therapies can be used to promote and improve health for women and families of all ages. Several types of CAM will be discussed and demonstrations of proper use of some of the techniques will be given. The worship will focus primarily on primary care and stress management but will also include some treatment information. This workshop will be interactive and participants are encouraged to dress comfortably and come ready to experience varied techniques.

WK11 Midwives in Medical Education: 2013 Update

Wednesday, May 29, 1:00pm - 4:30pm

CEUs: 0.35

Presented by: Angela Wilson-Liverman, MSN, CNM; Suzanne Seger, MTS, MSN, CNM; Linda Steinhardt, CNM, MS; Amy L. Goldstein, MSN, CNM, FNP

Summary: This workshop is aimed at the CNM working in Medical Education, specifically with medical students or residents. Our goal is to share didactic and clinical teaching strategies from several academic centers as well as to investigate new modalities of teaching. Several different academic models will be explored.

WK12 Refining the Art of Perineal Repair - SOLD OUT

Contact Kathy Przybylski ([email protected]) if you would like to be added to the wait list

Wednesday, May 29, 1:00pm - 4:30pm

CEUs: 0.35 Pharmacology Hours: 3.5

Presented by: Susan Jacoby CNM, DNP and Joyce Poirier CNM, MSN

Summary: This program offers midwives the opportunity to discuss current recommendations for methods, materials, and techniques used during repair, followed by mentored hands-on skills practice. The workshop covers universal components of suturing: needles and sutures, instruments, instrument handling, and suturing techniques. The focus is on optimal instrument handling and improving technique and efficiency of suturing skills through mentored hands-on experience.

WK13 Labor and Birth in Water: How Birthing Women and Emerging Research Can Change Midwifery Practice

Thursday, May 30, 8:30am - 12:00pm

CEUs: 0.35

Presented by: Jenna C. Shaw- Battista, PhD, NP,CNM; Shaunette Meyer, MA, MS, RN, CNM; Sage Hyman Bearman, BA, MA, RN; Sharon Demeter, BA, MA, MS, CNM, NP

Summary: Despite mounting data on the benefits and safety of warm water immersion during labor and birth, utilization rates in the United States (US) lag far behind those reported internationally. Relatively few US nurse-midwives offer the option of waterbirth, even when knowledgeable and/or supportive of the intrapartum care practice. This workshop will examine these discrepancies along with recent research on the use and outcomes of intrapartum hydrotherapy. Evidence-based clinical guidelines for labor and birth in water will be reviewed with examples from several US nurse-midwifery practices. We will outline key steps in beginning and sustaining the option of waterbirth, including interprofessional communication, stakeholder engagement, and practical strategies for overcoming barriers to implementation. Experienced waterbirth providers will describe "tricks of the trade" and review quality assessment and improvement activities to be considered. Presenters will also discuss findings from a new qualitative study of women's prenatal decision-making and postpartum satisfaction with waterbirth, with implications for marketing the practice and the midwifery model of care. A detailed resource list and sample clinical guidelines will be distributed.

WK14 Physiology and Management of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding and Endometrial Biopsy

Thursday, May 30, 8:30am - 12:00pm

CEUs: 0.35 Pharmacology Hours: 3.5

Presented by: Angela Deneris, CNM, PhD

Summary: Abnormal and dysfunctional uterine bleeding (AUB and DUB) and endometrial cancer are significant problems in GYN practice. It is important that midwives providing care for women are knowledgeable in the evaluation, differential diagnoses and treatment modalities of AUB and DUB including indications, contraindications and technique for endometrial sampling, when to order ultrasound to aid in diagnosis and when to refer women for possible surgical intervention. Case studies from the presenter's practice will be utilized to facilitate the ability of the participants to apply the information to their clinical practice. The session will include simulated practice of endometrial biopsy with two common devises.

WK15 Ethical Dilemmas in Midwifery: Coping with Disagreement, Where is the middle ground?

Thursday, May 30, 8:30am - 12:00pm

CEUs: 0.35

Presented by: Mary K Collins, CNM, JD, FACNM; Joyce B Thompson, D.Ph., CNM, FACNM; Kathleen Powderly, CNM, PhD

Summary: As in all health care, midwifery practice is subject to the conflicts that arise out of the complex framework that is the patient-provider relationship in modern American society. A dilemma is a creature of conflict where multiple solutions are often equally unappealing. Ethical dilemmas in midwifery practice may develop when there is conflict between what the midwife believes is her moral responsibility and the decisions made by clients and other healthcare providers. This workshop will provide a framework for dealing with ethical dilemmas and discussion on how to live with decisions contrary to our beliefs.

WK16 Getting the Job YOU want: A workshop for students and new graduates

Thursday, May 30, 8:30am - 12:00pm

CEUs: 0.35

Presented by: Mavis H Schorn, PhD, CNM; Tonia Moore-Davis, MSN, CNM; Julia C. Phillippi, PhD, CNM; Sharon Holley, DNP, CNM

Summary: This workshop is designed to assist the midwifery student and/or new midwifery graduate preparing for their first job search. The focus will be on how to discern what job is the best "fit" and how to stand out among the competition for the desired position.

WK17 Legislative Action in 2013: Nuts and Bolts

Thursday, May 30, 8:30am - 12:00pm

CEUs: 0.35

Presented by: Kathryn Kravitz Carr, CNM, MPH; Joanna King, JD; Patrick Cooney; Laura Jenson, CNM

Summary: This presentation will be an in-depth review and discussion of how midwives can influence and generate health policy. Effective techniques to bring policy change at the local, state and federal levels will be reviewed. Legislative successes and shortcomings pertinent to women's health since the 2012 ACNM Annual Meeting including Health Reform and Maternal Health Legislation will be reviewed and discussed. Breakout groups will provide an opportunity for participants to work together in smaller groups to develop strategies for addressing specific policy and legislative issues.


WK18 Electronic Fetal Monitoring

Thursday, May 30, 8:30am - 12:00pm

CEUs: 0.35

Presented by: Susan Drummond, MSN, RN, C-EFM

Summary: This workshop will discuss developing a certification program in EFM, review of current nomenclature, case presentations, and liability issues in obstetrics.


WK19 ACNM 1/2 Day Exam Prep Case Studies Course (Day 2)

Thursday, May 30, 9:00am - 1:30pm

Presented by: Melissa Ann Willmarth, DNP, CNM; Nicole T. Lassiter, CNM, MSN, WHNP; Cara A. Busenhart, RN, CNM, MSN; Alisha Coffey-Morgan, MSN, CNM, ARNP; Susan Yount, PhD, CNM, WHNP-BC; Julie Paul, DNP, CNM; Lynneece Rooney, MSN, CNM

Summary: This two day workshop will provide students and new graduates an opportunity for exam preparation. Day one will focus on the content covered by the AMCB certification exam. Experts in each topic will give students an overview of the content with an opportunity to begin formulating a plan of study. Day two will explore interactive case studies and practice questions on the main topical areas for the AMCB midwifery examination. Students can register for one or both days. At the conclusion of the sessions, students will have completed an individualized plan for continuing review.

WK20 Skills Update and Review for Students, New Grads to Experienced Midwives - SOLD OUT

Saturday, June 1, 10:00am - 2:00pm

CEUs: 0.35

Presented by: Michele R. Collins, PhD, CNM; Deanna Pilkenton CNM, MSN

Summary: This is a workshop geared to students who are already enrolled in a nurse-midwifery program and the new nurse-midwifery graduate who desires to shore up his/her newly gained skills, or for those who have graduated within the past 5 years, but have not been practicing.

WK21 Affiliate Skills Leadership Workshop

Wednesday, May 29, 8:00am - 12:00pm

CEUs: none

Summary: This workshop is designed to help those in affiliate leadership positions develop the skills necessary to lead an effective and engaged membership. Al Hopper, CAE, from True North Consulting will be presenting at the workshop. AL has over 35 years of experience in associations and non-profits, and has a wide breadth of knowledge to share. General topic areas to be covered will include: characteristics of leadership in an association context, cultivating member engagement to involvement, recruiting and leading volunteers within the affiliate, planning and decision making, and holding effective, successful meetings.

ACME Site Visitor Workshop

Saturday, June 1, 10:00am - 12:00pm


Summary: "Increasing Knowledge and Skills in Higher Education Accreditation" 
This free workshop, through presentations and simulations, will help those currently qualified to perform site visits as well as those interested in the process become more acquainted with site visit requirements. We will discuss current national higher education accreditation issues including evaluation of distance education modalities, revisions to the ACME Programmatic criteria and review a Self Evaluation Report and aspects of the interview process.

ACME Orientation Workshop

Saturday, June 1, 1:00pm - 3:00pm


Summary: "Orientation to the ACME accreditation review process"
This free workshop, open to program directors and all interested in learning about the ACME accreditation process, will review revisions to ACME criteria, processes, and requirements.