Become a 2020 YNM Sponsor
The World Health Organization (WHO) has designated 2020 as the Year of the Nurse and the Midwife (2020 YNM. The WHO 2020 YNM designation comes at both an opportune and critical time and provides us with a unique opportunity to inform the public – future consumers, women, individuals, families, policymakers, potential stakeholder partners – about the value of midwifery-led care as provided by certified nurse-midwives (CNMs) and certified midwives (CMs). We invite your support as an ACNM sponsor to make 2020 Year of the Nurse and the Midwife a huge success!
By becoming a sponsor of the YNM, you’ll be recognized in conjunction with ACNM's YNM-related activities throughout the year:
Gold Level: $7,500
• Recognition on ACNM website, social media platforms, and Best of Quickening
• Recognition on 2020 Annual Meeting materials and at the Annual Meeting opening session
• Option to create one publication/video for ACNM approval and distribution to membership
Silver Level: $5,000
• Recognition on ACNM website, social media platforms, and Best of Quickening
• Recognition on 2020 Annual Meeting materials and at the Annual Meeting opening session
Bronze Level: $2,500
• Recognition on ACNM website, social media platforms, and Best of Quickening
Please apply online (if you are not an ACNM member you will need to create and account) or fill out this sponsorship form and email to [email protected]. Thank you for your support in advancing midwifery and women’s health, and in changing the lives of women, individuals, and families!