ACNM is represented on several committees of the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), including American Indian/Alaskan Native Women's Health, Patient Safety and Quality Improvement, Well-Woman Task Force, the ACOG-convened Women's Health Registry Alliance, and the ACOG/CDC Maternal Mortality Action Committee. ACNM has also collaborated with ACOG and Childbirth Connection on a VBAC initiative.
The interdisciplinary ACOG Task Force on Collaborative Practice, which ACNM is involved in, has released the report Collaboration in Practice: Implementing Team-Based Care. Read the Executive Summary here; this overview contextualizes the report, highlights the guiding principles of team-based care, and draws attention to the use of telehealth as a tool for implementation. It also summarizes key findings from the task force regarding opportunities for change.