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ACNM Business Meetings

The majority of time at business meetings is reserved for ACNM members to debate motions that have been proposed by other ACNM members regarding important issues and opportunities facing the midwifery profession and the ACNM organization. Business meetings are open to all members, although voting privileges are not extended to associate members and students. All members are allowed to voice their opinion in accordance with ACNM business meeting procedures.Your presence and opinions are highly valued and we strongly encourage you to participate! To learn more, visit our ACNM Business Meeting Motions FAQ page.

Opening ACNM Business Meeting: Tuesday, May 24, 9:00-11:00AM

Closing ACNM Business Meeting: Wednesday, May 25, 2:45-4:15PM

To submit a motion in advance of the meeting, please complete the 2016 ACNM Business Meeting Motion Form and e-mail it to [email protected] with the subject line Motion Form no later than May 13. Motion forms will also be available at the Annual Meeting.